英語の「ストレス」の使い方とイラっとした時の表現100選 | Winner's English - 勝負する英語


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英語「ストレス」「精神的な重圧・圧迫感」の他に、「圧力・重圧」「強調・アクセント」と、様々な使い方ができます。更に、stressは名詞、動詞、そして形容詞として使い分けることもできます。例えば、大事な会議で「一つの点に重心を置きたい」時にI’d like to stress this pointという風に使えます。



(1) 英語の「ストレス」を名詞として使う
(2) 英語の「ストレス」を動詞として使う
(3) 英語の「ストレス」を形容詞として使う
(4) イラっとした時や「ストレス」を感じた時に使う英語の表現
(5) 知り合いがイラっとした時や「ストレス」を感じた時の表現

(1) 英語の「ストレス」を名詞として使う


I gained a lot weight from stress.
I gained a lot weight because of stress.

I am under a lot of stress these days due to living in the city.
I am suffering from stress these days due to living in the city.

She is dealing with the stresses and strains of raising children and working full-time.

Stress can help you motivate you to achieve your goals.

Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat.

Social interaction is a good way to respond to stress.
Social interaction is a good way to cope with stress.
Social interaction is a good way to handle stress.

She uses Tai-chi  to reduce stress.

Sports is a great way to relieve stress.
Sports is a great way to get rid of stress.

Some types of headache can be stress-related.

Many soldiers suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
post-traumatic stress disorderPTSDとも呼ばれています。


The tree’s branch snapped under the wind’s stress.

Does running on concrete put any stress on your back?

The heavy bag you are carrying puts a lot of stress on your shoulder.


The CEO laid stress on teamwork.
The CEO put stress on teamwork.

The stress in “piano” is on “a”.
We put stress on “a” when we pronounce “piano”.


I am under a lot of pressure these days due to living in the city.

The tree’s branch snapped under the wind’s pressure.

Do you feel any tension in your back when you run on concrete?

The heavy bag you are carrying puts a lot of strain on your shoulder.

The CEO laid importance on teamwork.
The CEO put importance on teamwork.

The emphasis in “piano” is on “a”.
We put emphasis on “a” when we pronounce “piano”.

(2) 英語の「ストレス」を動詞として使う


Living in the city stresses me (out).

It’s useless to stress over this matter.

I’m stressing over my presentation tomorrow.


He stressed that he took the initiative.

I’d like to stress this point.

I can’t stress this point enough.

I must stress that all of this is extremely important.

The CEO stressed the importance of teamwork.

We stress the second syllable in “piano”.


My boss is pressuring me to send my report.
My boss is forcing me to send my report.
to forceの方が強制的なイメージになります。

I’m nervous about my presentation tomorrow.

It’s useless to worry about this matter.

We emphasize the second syllable in “piano”.

The CEO emphasized the importance of teamwork.

(3) 英語の「ストレス」を形容詞として使う

I am completely stressed out by my job.
I feel stressed out by my job.
to be stressed-outは大抵精神的なストレスを指します。

He has been stressed at work because of his boss.

You seem a little stressed (out). Are you OK?

She gets stressed (out) sometimes.

Living in the city is stressful.

She has a very stressful job.

The importance of teamwork was stressed in the meeting.

The second syllable is stressed in “piano”.


(4) イラっとした時や「ストレス」を感じた時に使う英語の表現

That’s it!
That does it!
I’ve had it!
I’ve had it up to here!
I can’t take it anymore!
I’m done (with this)!
I’m fed up (with him)!
I’m sick of it!

I’m tired of this!

I’m getting tired of (this nonsense)!
I’m getting sick of (this nonsense)!
This is too much!
This is annoying!
(He) is so annoying!
(He) is so irritating!


Get off my back!

Cut it out!

What the hell?!
What on Earth?!
Oh for crying out loud!

That’s the last/final straw!
I think I’m going to snap!
I think I’m going to go ballistic!

This is driving me crazy/insane/mad/nuts!
This is driving me up the wall!

This is getting on my nerves!
This is trying my patience!
I am losing my patience!

(5) 知り合いがイラっとした時や「ストレス」を感じた時の表現

Don’t worry.

Stay calm.
Settle down.
(You need to) calm down.
(You need to) relax.



Take a deep breath! Slowly!

Breath in the positivity, expire the negativity.

Don’t stress (out)! Everything will be all right.


Keep cool.
Keep your cool.
Keep your pants on!
Keep it together!
Stay cool.
Take it easy!
Take a chill pill.
(You need to) chill.
Pull yourself together.
Get a hold of yourself!
Get a grip on yourself!
Hold your horses!
Cool your jets!
Don’t freak out!
Don’t flip out!



Remember, don’t stress over mastering English!
Thank you for reading! Take it easy and see you next time!

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