affordとaffordableの意味と使い方30選 | Winner's English - 勝負する英語


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afford affordable 余裕がない


また、affordableaffordable「〜する事ができる」を足した形容詞ですので、「格安・手頃な価格」と訳せます。すると、You can get quality clothes at affordable pricesと言うと、「品質の良い洋服が手頃な価格で手に入る」と言う意味になります。


1. affordの意味と使い方
2. affordableの意味と使い方

1. affordの意味と使い方


When I was a child, our family couldn’t afford a car.

Since Tom found a new job, he can now afford his children’s education.

With the money we saved, we can now afford to buy a house.

How can people afford to buy a 100 000 yen smartphone in this economy?

I can’t afford the time to babysit the new employees.

I’m sure she can afford some time in her busy schedule to help you.

I can’t afford the time nor the money to travel overseas.

The best I could afford was a studio apartment.


I guess we could afford to give you a few minutes to listen to your idea.

We can’t afford to take the risk.

My car broke down. I can’t afford this right now!

Translating the document took three hours I couldn’t afford to spare.

I can’t afford another hour for driving to work every day.
「毎日車で通勤するのにさらに 1 時間もかける余裕はありません。」

You are spending more than you can afford every month.

The job was taking up more time than he could afford.


I hope you can afford me the opportunity to prove myself.

The restaurant affords a beautiful view from the balcony.

It was a small room, but it afforded a fine view of the beach.

This software affords no protection against malware.

The sun affords energy to all living things on Earth.



I can’t afford to be sick before the exam.

Wear a beanie. You can’t afford to catch a cold when you are on the job.

We can’t afford the risk of getting caught.

We can’t afford to wait for their decision.

Tom can’t afford to lose another point on his license.

2. affordableの意味と使い方

Education in this country is affordable for most parents.

Housing in this town is extremely affordable.

This store sells luxury brands at affordable prices.

DIY is an affordable way to renovate your home.

Let me tell you about some affordable and easy ways to make your videos look professional.

The Takeaway(要点):


また、I can’t afford~は、「〜をするわけにはいかない」、こんな時に起きてほしくない事」や「不利な結果」を指したりする事もできます。必ずしもお金や時間のことではないので、このように使ってみましょう!

Thank you for reading until the end! This blog is made for people who can’t afford expensive lessons!

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