“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”「偶然とは、名前を前に出さないで働かれる神の方法である。」という名言をアインシュタインは残しています。
さらに細く言えば、偶然にも「運のいい」出来事と「運の悪い」出来事の両方があります。「運のいい」場合、That was lucky!「ラッキーだった!」は耳にしたことはあると思いますが、その他にも英語で謙虚に「まぐれだよ!」や「ついてただけだよ!」を覚えておきたいですよね?そして、「運の悪い」ことが起きたら、英語で「ついていなかった。」と説明することもあります。
(1) 「たまたま」にあたいする英語の表現
・happened to~
・It just (so) happens~
・to stumble + upon/across/on~
・to come + upon/across~
・to happen + upon/on~
・to run/bump/stumble + into~
・by + chance/accident
・a sheer/pure + coincidence
・a mere + coincidence
・to overhear~
・It’s purely coincidental
(2) 「運よく」、「運悪く」を英語で表す
(3) 他にも「偶然」を語る英語
(1) 「たまたま」にあたいする英語の表現
happened to~
I (just) happened to be in the neighbourhood.
He happened to have the same car as me.
We happened to find out that we lived in the same city.
It just (so) happens~
It just (so) happens to be my birthday today)!
It just so happens that my brother moved to Japan.
to stumble + upon/across/on~
to come + upon/across~
to happen + upon/on~
I stumbled upon/across/on (this article while reading the newspaper).
I came upon/across (this article while reading the newspaper).
I happened upon/on (this article while reading the newspaper).
(While walking around the city,) we came upon (a charming little restaurant).
※came upon~は良く場所などに出くわした時に使います。
to run/bump/stumble + into~
※ 特に知人にばったり会った時に使います。「人にぶつかる」イメージの表現です。
I ran/bumped/stumbled into (my friend from high school this morning).
I stumbled on (my friend from high school this morning).
I came upon/across (my friend from high school this morning).
I happened upon/on (my friend from high school this morning).
by + chance/accident
(I met her) by chance/accident (in the department store).
a sheer/pure + coincidence
a mere + coincidence
It was a sheer/pure coincidence (that we worked in the same department).
It was a mere coincidence (that we worked in the same department).
to overhear~
I overheard (him say he was leaving the country).
It’s purely coincidental
(The fact that they are brothers is) purely coincidental.
(2) 「運よく」、「運悪く」を英語で表す
That was a happy/lucky accident!
That was a happy/lucky coincidence!
You were lucky!
That was lucky!
That was just sheer/mere luck!
He happened on/upon (a great idea for his project).
(He won the competition) by sheer/mere luck.
It was a total fluke!
(The team was saved by) a fortuitous (goal)!
(The team was saved by) a serendipitous (goal)!
You’re in luck! (This is the last one in our store)!
She ran into (trouble at work).
※この場合、run into(出来事)は大抵良くない出来事の場合に使います。
She ran into some bad luck recently.
She ran into some misfortune recently.
That was an unfortunate coincidence/accident.
That was an unlucky coincidence/accident.
There was a little mishap (on the way home).
Unluckily, (it rained so the picnic was cancelled).
(3) 他にも「偶然」を語る英語
What are the chances?!
What a coincidence!
It’s a real/mere/sheer coincidence!
I happen to know (your teacher).
If you happen to see Mike, tell him I need to talk to him.
Do you happen to know (her name)?
Do you know (her name) by any chance?
Do you happen to have (any change)?
Do you have (any change) by any chance?
(I knocked on the door) by mistake.
(I knocked on the door) inadvertently.
(I knocked on the door) involuntarily.
Leave it to chance.
Don’t leave anything to chance.
It was a haphazard.
(It started to rain), but as luck would have it, (we had our umbrellas).
It was not by design/not planned/not intended.
It was unintentional/unintended.
Now that you mention it, I need to call my office.
“Honey, it just (kinda) happened!”
次から、友人とばったり道で会ったら迷いなくWhat a coincidence!やWhat are the chances?!を使ってみましょう!
また、ついていない友人や同僚がいたらDon’t worry, it was just bad luck.と言って慰めてください。
Thanks for reading! See you next time and don’t leave anything to chance!