英語でDo you understand?を使うことは可能ですが、yesという答えが返ってくることが多く、会話が大分短くなってしまいます。実は、会議中に相手の意見を「確認」することは更に詳しく物事を聞き出すチャンスでもあります。
ついでなので、tag questions (付加疑問)もマスターして、英語で「確認する」練習もしましょう!
(1) 英語で「確認する」時によく使われる基本の表現
(2) tag questions(付加疑問)を使って「確認する」英語の例文
(3) 付加疑問の代わりに使える「確認する」時の質問
(4) 相手に言い換えてもらって「確認する」英語
(5) 相手に繰り返してもらって「確認する」英語
(6) 自分から言い換えて「確認する」時の英語
(7) 相手の発言や質問を「確認する」時の英語
(8) 「確認」を問う時の英語
(1) 英語で「確認する」時によく使われる基本の表現
I’d like to confirm my reservation.
I’d like to confirm our appointment.
Can I confirm something?
I’d like to check that information.
I’d like to check my schedule.
Can I check something?
May I double-check that information?
We should double-check that information.
I’d like to verify that information.
I’d like to verify the test results.
Can I verify something?
(2) tag questions(付加疑問)を使って「確認する」英語の例文
The next meeting is on Monday, isn’t it?
The next meeting isn’t on Monday, is it?
You can speak Japanese, can’t you?
You can’t speak Japanese, can you?
You went to London last year, didn’t you?
You didn’t go to London last year, did you?
We are meeting at 1pm, aren’t we?
We aren’t meeting at 1pm by any chance, are we?
You’ve called the client, haven’t you?
You haven’t called the client yet, have you?
We will make a final decision soon, won’t we?
We won’t make a final decision anytime soon, will we?
(3) 付加疑問の代わりに使える「確認する」時の質問
…, is that right/correct?
…, yes?
…, no?
Is that OK/alright?
(4) 相手に言い換えてもらって「確認する」英語
How do you mean exactly?
What do you mean exactly?
What exactly do you mean by “soon”?
Could you please explain what you mean by “soon”?
I’m afraid I don’t see what you mean. Could you explain that to me?
…, is that what you mean?
(5) 相手に繰り返してもらって「確認する」英語
Would you mind repeating that?
Would you mind going over that again for me?
Could you go over that one more time please?
Could I ask you to give me those details again?
And the date was?
Can I just check that?
Could you run me through it one more time please?
(6) 自分から言い換えて「確認する」時の英語
I’d like to confirm that.
Let me just confirm that.
So, that’s 9 o’clock on Tuesday then?
So, I’ll see you at 9 o’clock on Tuesday.
OK, so we’ll meet on Tuesday at 9 o’clock.
Let me confirm what we decided. That’s Tuesday at 9 o’clock.
So, that’s Tuesday 9 o’clock. Is that correct/right?
Are you saying it’s too soon to make a decision?
You’re saying it’s too soon to make a decision?
Do you mean it’s too soon to make a decision?
So what you are saying is that it’s too soon to make a decision?
So what you mean is that it’s too soon to make a decision?
So, you think (that) it’s too soon to decide. Is that what you mean?
So, what you are saying is (that) it’s too soon to decide. Is that right/correct?
What you said was to wait a little longer, is that right?
What you said was to wait a little longer, did I understand you correctly?
In other words, you think we should wait a little longer, right?
I’m not sure I follow. You mean it’s too soon to decide?
I’m not sure I’m following you. You mean it’s too soon to decide?
I don’t think I understand clearly. Are you saying it’s too soon?
Let me see if I understood you correctly. You’re saying this is impossible.
Let me make sure I understood you correctly. You’re saying this is impossible.
Going back to what you just said about the new deadline. Did you say December 14th?
Correct me if I’m wrong but do you mean we have to work more hours?
Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t you mean we have to work more hours?
I apologize if I misunderstood but do you mean we have to work more hours?
Sorry, I must have misunderstood what you said. Do you mean we have to work more hours?
(7) 相手の発言や質問を「確認する」時の英語
In other words, you are asking me about my career. Is that right?
Are you asking me about my career?
Are you asking me if I can speak Japanese?
Are you asking me wether or not I can speak Japanese?
Sorry, I didn’t (quite) catch that. Could you repeat that?
Sorry, I don’t quite see what you mean. Would you mind repeating that?
Sorry, I missed that. Could you say that again?
Sorry, I don’t quite follow you. Could you repeat that?
Sorry, say that again?
Is that OK?
Is everything alright?
こちらの記事も宜しければどうぞ → 11通りの場面で使える英語の「大丈夫」の意味合い95選
Would you like to confirm the details?
Would you like to confirm that?
Do we have the same information?
Are we all on the same page?
Does everyone understand?
Does everyone agree?
Is everyone on board?
※on boardは「同じ船に乗る」と言う意味です。つまり、「チームとして一つになる」と言う意味です。
Is everyone with me?
Is everyone with me so far?
Is everyone following me right now?
Does this make sense to everyone?
Are there any questions?
Is everyone up to speed?
Did everyone get that?
The takeaway(要点):
また、付加疑問もよく使われます。この場合は、よく「答え方に困る」という方が多いですが、「確認を相手がしてきている」と考えれば、yes/noの二択しかないので、自然な答え方ができると思います。迷った時、その情報があっていればThat’s right!(そうです・その通りです!)とも答えられます。
Thanks for reading until the end! Now you can confirm things in English, right?
See you next time!