(1) cooperateとその他の「協力」する時のフレーズ
(2) 相手と「協力し合う」時に使うフレーズ
(3) I’ll~を使ったカジュアルな「協力する」気持ちの伝え方
(1) cooperateとその他の「協力」する時のフレーズ
Let me help (you)!
Let me offer (you) my help.
Allow me to help (you)!
Our manager always chips in during difficult times.
We are willing to cooperate if you give us what we want.
We are willing to offer our cooperation provided that you give us what we want.
Can I help?
Why don’t I help you?
Do you want me to help you?
Why don’t I talk to him?
I can talk to him (if you want).
I can help!
I can help you!
I can help you with that!
I can help with your presentation.
I can help prepare your presentation.
Allow me to help you with your presentation.
Allow me to help you prepare your presentation.
Let me help you with your presentation.
Let me help you prepare your presentation.
Do you want me to take over?
Do you want me to come back later?
Would you like me to help you?
Would you like some help/support?
I’d be happy to help.
I’d be more than happy to help.
We will offer our full cooperation.
We will offer maximum cooperation.
(2) 相手と「協力し合う」時に使うフレーズ
Let’s collaborate.
Let’s join forces.
Let’s team up.
Let’s join hands.
Let’s work together.
Let’s work hand in hand.
Let’s combine our forces.
Let’s cooperate with each other.
Why don’t we collaborate?
Why don’t we join forces?
Why don’t we team up?
Why don’t we join hands?
Why don’t we work together?
Why don’t we work hand in hand?
Why don’t we combine our forces?
Why don’t we cooperate with each other?
We are prepared to do business with you.
Let’s put our heads together.
We will work side by side until the end of this project.
Let’s pull together as a team and finish this project.
Our combined efforts/collaborative work/teamwork enabled us to meet the deadline.
(3) I’ll~を使ったカジュアルな「協力する」気持ちの伝え方
I’ll do it!
I’ll get it!
I’ll talk to him.
I’ll call him tomorrow.
I’ll pick up the kids after work.
I’ll help you with your presentation.
I’ll help you as much as possible.
I’ll help you the best I can.
I’ll play ball.
I’ll play along.
I’ll be more than happy to help you.
I’ll be delighted to help you.
I’ll cooperate.
We kindly ask for your cooperation.
We would be grateful for your continued cooperation.
Your cooperation in separating the trash is highly appreciated.
Sorry to cause an inconvenience, but we ask for your kind cooperation.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but we ask for your kind cooperation.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience, but we would appreciate it if you could cooperate.
We kindly asked for your continued efforts.
Thank you in advance of your help.
※Thank you in advanceは「事前にありがとうございます」と言う意味なので、お礼とは若干異なります。
Thank you for your cooperation.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you for your continued support.
I am grateful for your cooperation.
I am grateful for your support.
I am always thankful for your cooperation.
Thanks, you’ve been very helpful!
Thank you for giving me a hand. I really appreciate it.
The takeaway(要点):
Thank you for reading until the end! I’ll be more than happy to help you improve your English skills!