英語でdespite (並びにin spite of) はやや分かりにくいと思う方は少なくはないと思います。althoughやeven thoughに近い意味を持っていますが、そのまま入れ替えることはできない時があります。
althoughとeven thoughの意味と使い方は、ご存知の通り、次の様になります:
Although he studied hard, he didn’t pass the exam.
Even though he studied hard, he didn’t pass the exam.
Despite his efforts, he didn’t pass the exam.
In spite of his efforts, he didn’t pass the exam.
お気づきになられた方もいると思いますが、この例の場合、despiteはbecause ofの対義語なのです。主に、「〜にもかかわらず」という意味になります。上記の例文の逆の意味は次の様になります:
Because of his efforts, he passed the exam.
また、despiteの方がin spite ofより若干丁寧な言い回しになるという事も覚えておきましょう。
本日は、英語でdespite (並びにin spite of) の正しい使い方を、ネイティブ・スピーカーで異文化コミュニケーションの専門家(米・仏・日)である筆者が、38選紹介いたします。
(1) Despite + 名詞(In spite of + 名詞)の使い方
(2) Despite + ING (In spite of + ING)の使い方
(3) Despite that・despite the fact thatの使い方
(1) Despite + 名詞 (In spite of + 名詞)の使い方
He got the job despite the terrible job interview.
He got the job in spite of the terrible job interview.
Despite his poor performance, he received a promotion.
In spite of his poor performance, he received a promotion.
Our company is doing very well despite the shrinking economy.
Our company is doing very well in spite of the shrinking economy.
The children had a great time despite the terrible weather.
The children had a great time in spite of the terrible weather.
He enjoys his job despite the long working hours.
He enjoys his job in spite of the long working hours.
Despite the heavy traffic, we were able to make it on time to the party.
In spite of the heavy traffic, we were able to make it on time to the party.
(2) Despite + ING (In spite of + ING)の使い方
Despite living in Japan for over 10 years, she can’t speak Japanese.
In spite of living in Japan for over 10 years, she can’t speak Japanese.
We were able to make it on time despite being stuck in traffic.
We were able to make it on time in spite of being stuck in traffic.
He can throw a fastball despite being injured.
He can throw a fastball in spite of being injured.
We arrived late to the party despite leaving early.
We arrived late to the party in spite of leaving early.
Despite having all the necessary skills and experience, they didn’t offer him the job.
In spite of having all the necessary skills and experience, they didn’t offer him the job.
She decided to go out with her friends despite her parents telling her not to.
She decided to go out with her friends in spite of her parents telling her not to.
Despite working long hours, he enjoys his job.
In spite of working long hours, he enjoys his job.
(3) Despite that・Despite the fact thatの使い方
There were many problems. Despite that, we were able to finish the project on time.
There were many problems. In spite of that, we were able to finish the project on time.
Despite the fact that there were many problems, we were able to finish the project on time.
In spite of the fact that there were many problems, we were able to finish the project on time.
She had many flaws. Despite that, I loved her.
She had many flaws. In spite of that, I loved her.
Despite the fact that she had many flaws, I loved her.
In spite of the fact that she had many flaws, I loved her.
Her parents told her not to leave the house tonight. Despite that, she went out with her friends.
Her parents told her not to leave the house tonight. In spite of that, she went out with her friends.
Despite the fact that her parents told her not to leave the house tonight, she went out with her friends.
In spite of the fact that her parents told her not to leave the house tonight, she went out with her friends.
The takeaway(要点):
これでdespiteとin spite ofの意味と使い方が分かりやすくなった思います。大きく二つに分けて、despite(並びにin spite of)の後には名詞または動名詞が来ます。
ほとんどの場合、despiteはalthough(またはeven though)に近い意味を持っているので、同じ意味の文章を作ることができます。練習として、本日紹介した文章で試してみましょう!表現力が豊富になります!
最後にもう一点、despiteを使う時はofはいりません。意味は変わりませんが、英語の文章としてはofはin spiteと一緒に使ったほうが正しいです。
Thanks for reading until the end despite your busy day! See you next time!