英語でeven ifをよく耳にすることがあると思います。ところが、文法から学ぼうとするとかなり複雑になってきます。文法より、沢山の例文を見て行けばニュアンスは伝わってきます。even ifの意味を理解するには、まず条件文のifの使い方を例文でお浚いしたいと思います:
1. Usually, if I have more money and time, I take a trip.
2. If I have more money and time next month, I will take a trip.
3. If I had more money and time, I would/could take a trip.
4. If I had had more money and time, I would have taken a trip.
ifの後にくる「条件A」によって、「Bが決まる」と言う意味になります。even if、はその逆の文章で、「条件Aがどうあれ」「Bは変わらない」と言う意味になります。つまり、「たとえ〜」・「〜としても」と言う風に使えます。大きく分けて、even ifは3つの使い方にまとめることが出できます。
本日は、even ifの意味が分かる3つの使い方を、ネイティブ・スピーカーで異文化コミュニケーションの専門家(米・仏・日)である筆者が、40選紹介いたします。文法はあまり気にせず、マスターしてみましょう!
(1) 仮定・仮説Aが実現したとしても現実Bは何も変わらないeven if
(2) 条件Aは満たされているがBは何も変わらないeven if
(3) 過去の条件Aが別だったとしても過去の結果は一緒のeven if
(1) 仮定・仮説Aが実現したとしても現実Bは何も変わらないeven if
Even if I had more money and time, I wouldn’t go on vacation.
Even if I had more money and time, I couldn’t go on vacation.
Even if you apologized, I wouldn’t forgive you.
Even if you apologized, I couldn’t forgive you.
I wouldn’t buy that sweater even if it were 50% off.
I couldn’t buy that sweater even if it were 50% off.
I wouldn’t tell you even if I knew the answer.
I couldn’t tell you even if I knew the answer.
She wouldn’t go to the party, even if she weren’t tired.
She couldn’t go to the party, even if she weren’t tired.
She would never forgive you, even if you apologized.
She could never forgive you, even if you apologized.
(2) 条件Aは満たされているがBは何も変わらないeven if
Even if I have more money and time, I don’t go on vacation.
Even if I have more money and time, I can’t go on vacation.
Even if you apologies, I won’t forgive you.
I don’t want to buy that sweater, even if it is 50% off.
I won’t tell you, even if I know the answer.
I can’t tell you, even if I know the answer.
She won’t go to the party, even if she isn’t tired.
She will never forgive you, even if you apologize.
You will do your homework, even if I have to force you to do it.
He wants to breakup with his girlfriend, even if it means that he risks ending up alone for the rest of his life.
She will tell him the truth, even if he might get angry.
I am determined to buy that car, even if it costs me a fortune.
You have to follow the company policy, even if you disagree with it.
Even if you don’t like someone, you should be polite to them.
It’s important to respect other cultures, even if you don’t completely understand them.
I have to leave now, even if I don’t want to.
He called her, even if she had told him not to.
(3) 過去の条件Aが別だったとしても過去の結果は一緒のeven if
Even if I had had more money and time, I wouldn’t have gone on vacation.
Even if I had had more money and time, I couldn’t have gone on vacation.
Even if you had apologized, I wouldn’t have forgiven you.
Even if you had apologized, I couldn’t have forgiven you.
I wouldn’t have bought that sweater even if it had been 50% off.
I couldn’t have bought that sweater even if it had been 50% off.
I wouldn’t have told you, even if I had known the answer.
I couldn’t have told you, even if I had known the answer.
She wouldn’t have gone to the party, even if she hadn’t been tired.
She couldn’t have gone to the party, even if she hadn’t been tired.
She would have never forgiven you, even if you had apologized.
The takeaway(要点):
一つ目のeven ifの使い方は、「仮説・仮定が実現したとしても現実は変わらない」と言う意味。二つ目は、「条件が満たされているが、現実は何も変わらない」と言う意味。三つ目は、「過去が変ったとしても、結果は一緒」と言う意味です。
これでeven ifの意味が分かったと思います。後は練習すれば使いこなせる様になります。まずはifで文章を作ってみましょう。その後にevenを加えてみましょう。最後に意味がちゃんと通るかどうかを確認しましょう!
Thank you for reading until the end! Enjoy learning English, even if you don’t use it everyday!