すぐに使える効力のある英語のプレゼンの始め方70選 | Winner's English - 勝負する英語


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(1) Greetings and self-introduction(挨拶と自己紹介)
(2) Background(プレゼンの背景)
(3) Purpose(プレゼンの目的)
(4) Outline(プレゼンの項目)
(5) Takeaway(印象に残って欲しいプレゼンの重要な点)
(6) Time commitment(時間の確約)
(7) Q&A(観客からの質問のタイミングを決める)
(8) Start the presentation(プレゼンを始める)
(9) プレゼンのオープニングの例

(1) Greetings and self-introduction(挨拶と自己紹介)

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen!
My name is (Michaels Helps) and I am (managing the JLA Project).

Good morning and welcome to (Alter-E-Go Corporation)!
My name is (John Doe). I’m responsible for (handling customer Support).

Good morning everyone.
I think most of you know me, but let me introduce myself anyway.

Good afternoon everyone!
As some of you already know, I’m (Johnny Bedd) and I’m (the Sales manager).

Good evening! On behalf of our company, I’d like to welcome you!
My name is (Michael Seatbelt). I’m in charge of (Customer Service).

Hello everyone!
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m (Jane Doe) and I’m in the (IT) department.
「皆さんこんにちは!初めての方のために自己紹介させてください。 IT部のジェーン・ドーです。」

Good morning!
I’m (Anne Haverway) and I’m a (3rd year medical student at BXT University).

Thank you very much (for the kind introduction Mr./Ms. Santori). Ladies and gentlemen, Good evening.

(2) Background(プレゼンの背景)


As you know, …

As you might know, …

As you probably already know, …

As you have (probably) heard, …

In case you haven’t heard, …
In case you don’t know, …

(3) Purpose(プレゼンの目的)

My presentation is about…

Today, I would like to talk to you about…
Today, I would like to tell you about…
What I want to do this morning is to talk to you about…


I am here today to clarify…

I am here today to propose…

This morning, I would like to report on…

In today’s presentation, I would like to discuss…

Today, I would like to explain…

What I would like to demonstrate today is…

In this presentation, I would like to show you (how/what/why)…

The purpose of this presentation is to show you/tell you about/demonstrate/explain/clarify…

I’d like to spend the next 20 minutes explaining…
In the next 20 minutes, I’d like to… 

(4) Outline(プレゼンの項目)


I’ve divided my talk into three parts. First, A. Second, B. And finally, C.
My presentation is in three parts. First, 
A. Second, B. And finally, C.
My presentation is divided into three main sections. First, 
A. Second, B. And finally, C.
I’ll be speaking about these/the following main points. First, 
A. Second, B. And finally, C.

I’d like to give you a brief outline of my presentation. I’m going to start off with A, and then I’ll move on to B, and finally I’ll wrap up with C.
「項目を手短く紹介します。まず、Aから入ります。次に、B. そして、Cで終わりたいと思います。」

Today, we will look at three things: A, B and C.
My presentation will focus specifically on three things: 
AB and C.


I have three topics to cover.
First of all, I will (touch on) A.
Then, I will (move on to) B.
Finally, I will (go over) C.
touch onは「(項目)に触れる」という意味です。

Let me give you an idea of what I’m going to talk about. 
I will start off with A.
I will then (explain) B.
I will finish by (highlighting) C.

I will start by (showing) A.
Then we’ll move on to B.
Lastly, I will (discuss) C.

I’ll begin by (reviewing) A.
Then I’ll turn to B.
To finish up, I will (give some information about) C.

First, we will take a look at A.
Next, I will (introduce) B.
Finally, I will conclude by (providing some information regarding) C.

I’d like to begin by (showing) A and then move on to B and my final point will be about C.

(5) Takeaway(印象に残って欲しいプレゼンの重要な点)

I hope that after my presentation, you will (understand)…

I hope that my presentation will (give you)…

Hopefully, this presentation will (clarify)…

(6) Time commitment(プレゼンの時間の確約)

My presentation will only take/last (about/roughly) 15 minutes.
I’ll take about/roughly 15 minutes of your time.
This should only last/take about 15 minutes.

I plan to be brief. It will only take 5 minutes of your time. 

I will need your attention/concentration for (about/roughly) 15 minutes.

(7) Q&A(観客からの質問のタイミングを決める)


I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have at the end of my presentation.

I’d be grateful if you could ask your questions after the presentation.

I will take your questions after my presentation.

There will be a Q&A session at the end.

There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

At the end of my talk, there will be a chance to ask questions.

I’ll open the floor to questions at the end.

I’ll open it up for questions and comments at the end of the presentation.


I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have at any time.

Please feel free to interrupt me if you have questions.

Please ask me any questions at any time.

I’ll be more than happy to take your questions while I’m speaking.

Please stop me if something isn’t clear.
Please interrupt me if you need any clarification.


(8) Start the presentation(プレゼンを始める)

Let’s begin!
Let’s start!
Let’s get the ball rolling!

Let’s begin/start with A.

Shall we get started?
Shall we?

(9) プレゼンのオープニングの例

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen!
My name is Ken Taurus and I work at ABC Corporation.
Today, I would like to talk to you about our company.
I have three topics to cover.
First, we will take a look at our company’s history.
Next, I will talk about our current products and services.
Finally, I will conclude by introducing our future plans.
I hope that my presentation will give you a better idea of who we are.
This should only take about 15 minutes.
At the end of my talk, there will be a chance to ask questions.
Let’s start with our company’s history.

The takeaway:




Thanks for reading until the end! And remember, practice makes perfect!「練習が完全をもたらす」

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