会議や会話などで対照する時、「それとは逆に〜」という表現をよく使うと思いますが、英語ではon the contraryという表現があります。また、vice versaという表現もご存知かと思いますが、ラテン語で「逆もまた同様」という意味になります。
このように、英語で「逆」という意味を持つ表現は沢山あります。 これらを知っていても、使い分けに困ったことはあると思います。更に、日本語で「逆らう」も同じ漢字ですが、果たして英語ではどのように表したらいいでしょうか?これら様々な「逆」を表す英語のニュアンスを覚えてしまいましょう!
(3) 「逆」を表すイディオム集
I heard the French were very cold people. On the contrary, they were very welcoming and friendly.
Contrary to our expectations, Sales didn’t go up this year.
Contrary to popular belief, milk is not necessary in a cat’s diet.
You are going in the wrong direction.
You are going in the opposite direction.
That sign is facing the wrong way.
She’s very angry with him and conversely.
French people are usually good at individual work. Conversely, Japanese people are known to be good at teamwork.
French people are known to be good at individual work. Conversely, teamwork isn’t their forte.
Cats dislike dogs, and vice versa.
Cats dislike dogs, the opposite is true too.
You are wearing your shirt inside out.
You are reading the book upside down.
You are wearing your shirt backwards.
You are wearing your shirt back to front.
The PS2 and PS3 are backward compatible with most of the original PlayStation library.
The front door is locked. Try to go the other way around.
He thought he was helping her but it was the other way around.
In this novel, the story is told in reverse order.
He can say the alphabet in reverse.
She is kind to everyone. Her sister is the opposite.
She is kind to everyone. Her sister is the exact the opposite.
Turn around please.
Face the other way please.
Face in the opposite direction please.
What’s the opposite of “small”?
The opposite of “small” is “big”.
The antonym of “small” is “big”.
Let’s go around counterclockwise.
They tried to reverse the process.
They tried to reverse the situation.
The details of the party is on the reverse side of the invitation card.
This group is trying to fight the system.
He disobeyed a direct order.
He acted against a direct order.
He defied a direct order.
The other team tried to counter our plan.
May I offer a counterargument?
His behavior was insubordinate and childish.
Most people are against that decision.
Most people are in opposition to that decision.
Most people are opposed to that decision.
(3) 「逆」を表すイディオム集
Being a parent is tough but the other side of the coin is that there is so much happiness.
Those two are like night and day.
They are at opposite poles.
He decided to go against the grain.
It’s not easy to go/swim against the tide.
The team turned the tide at the last minute.
She really turned things around.
The takeaway:
Thanks for reading until the end! See you next time!