以前の記事で、now or neverの意味と接続詞orの使い方を紹介しました。接続詞ORはnow or neverのような表現と相関接続詞(correlative conjunction)で使われます。相関接続詞とは、二つの接続詞がペアとなる接続詞です。例えば、either A or Bがその一つです。
接続詞either A or Bの使い方にはルールがありますが、ORが含まれている表現やイディオムの場合、文法にこだわるより例文で覚えた方が早いです。表現とイディオムは沢山ありますが、耳にした事があるのはいくつかあるのではないでしょうか?
本日は、相関接続詞either A or BとORの表現集23選を、講師として18年以上の経験を持つネイティブ・スピーカーで異文化コミュニケーションの専門家(米・仏・日)である筆者が紹介します。ORを使った表現を一気に覚えましょう!
1. 相関接続詞either A or Bの使い方
・either A or Bのルール
・either A or Bの例
2. ORを使った表現とイディオム集
1. all or nothing
2. a thing or two
3. believe it or not
4. come hell or high water
5. (come) rain or shine
6. dead or alive
7. double or nothing(ゲーム用語)
8. fight-or-flight
9. for better or for worse
10. give or take
11. heads or tails
12. life or death (life-or-death)
13. make heads or tails of ~
14. make or break
15. more or less
16. now or never
17. once or twice
18. rhyme or reason
19. sooner or later
20. take it or leave it
21. whether or not
22. (whether you) like it or not
23. ~ or bust
1. 相関接続詞either A or Bの使い方
either A or Bのルール
① either A or Bは二つの選択を繋げます
Next summer, I will go either to Guam or the Maldives.
② AとBは、文法的に似たものを繋げます(単語と単語、句と句、節と節、など)。
I will go either to Guam or the Maldives.
I will go neither to Guam nor the Maldives.
either A or Bの例
The color choices are either red or blue.
The color choices either are red or blue.❌
You can go either with me or your brother.
You can either go with me or your brother.❌
Either I buy tickets online now or we get them at the theater tomorrow.
1. all or nothing
You either accept the offer or reject the offer – it’s all or nothing.
We must use all our remaining resources – it’s all or nothing.
2. a thing or two
Sorry, I can’t help you right now. I have a thing or two on my mind.
I know a thing or two about financial investments if you need any advice.
Tom is the expert on the subject. Perhaps he can teach you a thing or two about the job.
3. believe it or not
Believe it or not, I was quite popular in high school.
The other day, my husband did the dishes and cleaned the house, believe it or not.
4. come hell or high water
Come hell or high water, I will be on time to pick you up at the airport.
I must finish my essay by Friday, come hell or high-water.
5. (come) rain or shine
Filming will continue this month, come rain or shine.
Come rain or shine, Tom goes running every morning.
6. dead or alive
We’ve searching for him for 48 hours but we still don’t know if he is dead or alive.
Billy the Kid is wanted dead or alive.
7. double or nothing(ゲーム用語)
all or nothingと似ています。
I’m going double or nothing.
This is my last chance. Double or nothing!
8. fight-or-flight
「闘争・逃走反応(fight-or-flight response)」は、動物が示す恐怖への反応の事です。
The fight-or-flight is a physiological reaction to a threat.
Epinephrine is a fight-or-flight hormone.
9. for better or for worse
Susan and George got divorced for better or for worse.
For better or for worse, I decided to join the company.
10. give or take
It will take a week to deliver the product, give or take a couple of day.
The sea around here is 3,000 meters deep, give or take.
11. heads or tails
Let’s flip a coin. Call it. Heads or tails?
12. life or death (life-or-death)
life and deathの別の言い方で、「生きるか死ぬかの」、「生死に関わる」、「死活の」と言う意味です。
This situation is a matter of life or death.
Firefighters deal with life-or-death situations on a daily basis.
13. make heads or tails of ~
I can’t make heads or tails of this situation.
14. make or break
Ms. Anderson can make the final decision that will make or break the company.
Nowadays, comments from fans on social media can make or break a movie.
15. more or less
The project was more or less successful.
These two lines are more or less parallel.
The manager was happy with out project, more or less.
16. now or never
It’s now or never to raise your hand and ask a question!
It’s now or never to leave the party.
17. once or twice
「一度や二度」、「何度か」と言う意味で、a fewの代わりに使えます。
We’ve been to that store once or twice before.
I’ve visited that country once or twice in my life.
I go to the gym once or twice a week.
18. rhyme or reason
「理由・訳」を意味するイディオムです。without rhyme or reasonという風によく使います。
There is no rhyme or reason to why he behaves that way.
I don’t understand what happened. Without rhyme or reason, he just left the party.
19. sooner or later
Sooner or later, you will pay for your misdeeds.
You will have to tell the truth sooner or later.
20. take it or leave it
I’ll give you 20 dollars for the entire box – take it or leave it.
21. whether or not
Whether or not they accept our terms, we will move on with the project.
The only issue is whether or not he was telling the truth.
Whether it rains or not, we will continue playing until the ninth hole.
22. (whether you) like it or not
Like it or not, you will have to submit your report by Friday.
Whether we like it or not, today is last day of our trip.
23. ~ or bust
It’s gold medal or bust for Japan!
Rock or Bust – AC/DC
The Takeaway(要点):
英語で接続詞ORは、相関接続詞(correlative conjunction)either A or Bをはじめ、now or never、sooner or later、more or lessなどの様々な表現やイディオムで使われています。
英語のテストでよく出てくる接続詞either A or Bはいくつかの文法のルールがありますが、今回紹介したイディオムや表現集は文法を気にせずに例文で覚えてくみてください。よく耳にする物を選びましたので、中ではもう既に知っていたものはあったのではないでしょうか?
Thanks for reading until the end! Believe it or not, that’s all for now!