もうすっかり梅雨の季節ですね!「雨」が降ったり、止んだりしていますね。天気はsmall talk「軽い世間話」を始める定番のテーマです!そんな季節の天気を外国の方と英語で話す機会はあると思います。
(1) 「雨」が降っている時に使う英語の表現
(2) rainを使ったイディオム集
(1) 「雨」が降っている時に使う英語の表現
It’s the rainy season in Japan right now.
The rainy season has set in.
The rainy season has come.
I don’t like this rainy weather.
It’s a rainy day.
It’s raining today.
There is very light rain today.
It’s drizzling.
It’s sprinkling.
It’s misty.
It’s spitting (with rain).
There are occasional drops of rain.
There are rain showers.
There are light showers.
There are brief rain showers.
We can expect evening showers.
I like the sound of gentle rain.
The sound of soft rain is very relaxing.
We are expecting heavy rain tonight.
We are expecting heavy rainfall tonight.
It’s raining heavily out there!
It’s soaking wet out there!
It’s coming down out there!
The city of Paris was flooded due to the sudden downpour.
The city of Paris was flooded due to the rainstorm.
The city of Paris was flooded due to the cloudburst.
It’s going to come down in buckets tomorrow!
It’s raining in buckets !
It’s bucketing down!
It was very difficult to see in the driving rain.
It’s tipping (it) down outside, isn’t it!?
The rain is coming down in sheets, isn’t it!?
It’s pelting down (with rain), isn’t it!?
It’s raining pitchforks (and hammer handles), isn’t it!?
It’s pouring (down) today, isn’t it?!
It’s pouring down (with rain) today, isn’t it?!
Torrential rains caused a series of landslips.
Torrential downpour caused a series of landslips.
It rained like cats and dogs last night!
Likely showers
There is a 60-70% chance of rain.
Scattered showers
There is a 30-50% chance of rain.
Isolated showers
There is a 10-20% chance of rain.
- Slight chance of rain
There is a 20% chance of rain.
- おまけ:
- squallは短時間の局部的でしばしば雨を伴う突風のことです。なので、正しくは雨ではありません。
(2) rainを使ったイディオム集
I’ll take a rain check!
Rain check?
Can I take a rain check?
由来:アメリカの野球では、雨で試合が中止になるとrain checkというチケットを貰います。これを持っていれば、延期になった試合が観戦できます。
I don’t mean to rain on your parade but our team lost.
I hate to rain on your parade but our team lost.
I got caught in the rain this morning.
I got caught in a downpour this morning.
You are right as rain!
I go to the gym, come rain or come shine.
Rain or shine, I go to the gym.
We wanted to go hiking but we were rained in.
The event was rained off.
I don’t know enough to come in out of the rain.
It never rains but it pours.
When it rains, it pours.
It’s like waiting for a raindrop in the drought.
You should save for a rainy day.
The Takeaway:
また、人に軽く話しかける時はIt’s~, isn’t?と聞いてみてください。small talkがそこでとりあえず始まるはずです。
更に、rainを使ったイディオムも紹介しました。私のお気に入りはYou are right as rainです!なんか言いやすいです!
Anyways, it sometimes rains this season so always carry an umbrella just in case.
Thanks for reading until the end! See you next time!