確かに、「好み」と「選択」を表すI would rather…than…ですが、ratherの位置を変えると文の意味が変わります。例えば、次の二つの文を比べると分かります:
①It seems the children would rather play video games than play outside.
②It seems the children would play video games rather than play outside.
これに加え、ratherを使って「ある程度」を表す事ができますが、英和辞書を調べると「少々」、「かなり」や「だいぶ」と言う幅広い単語が出てきます。また、rather likeだけを見ると、その後にくる品詞によっては「似ている」と言う意味にもなりますが、「結構好き」と言う意味にもなりますので、使いづらいと言われるのがよく分かります。
1. 選択の「好み」を表すwould rather
2. 「程度」を表すrather
・rather + 形容詞
・rather + 形容詞 + 名詞
・「量」や「頻度」を表すrather a lot
・rather a + 名詞
・「似ている」と言う意味のrather like + 名詞・動名詞
・rather + 動詞
・rather + 比較級
3. 好き嫌いの程度を和らげたrather like/enjoy/dislike/hate
4. 「(もっと)正確に言うと」・「正しくは」と言う意味のrather
5. 「(と言う)よりも」・「逆に」と言う意味のrather
1. 選択の「好み」を表すwould rather
She would rather die than go on stage in from of all these people.
I’d rather be jobless than work for that evil company.
Some employees would rather work from home than go to the office.
It seems the children would rather play video games than play outside.
I understand how you feel but I’d rather you didn’t say anything for now.
I’m a little tired so I’d rather not go out today.
Would you like some red wine or would you rather stick to white?
– Would you rather stay home or go out today?
– It’s so hot outside, I’d rather stay home.
※than go outside「外に出るより」が省略されています。
– Would you like something to drink such as wine?
– I’d rather have a beer if you have any.
– Would you like to go hiking this weekend?
– I’d rather not.
こちらの記事も宜しければどうぞ → 英語でwouldの意味と7つの使い方55選
2. 「程度」を表すrather
rather + 形容詞
This children’s puzzle looks easy but it’s rather complicated even for an adult.
I heard both sides of the story but don’t you think this situation is rather silly?
My presentation was rather successful.
rather + 形容詞 + 名詞
She got me out of rather an embarrassing situation.
※a ratherでも大丈夫です。
I’m afraid I have some rather bad news to share with you.
注:rather someとは言いません。
– Are you hungry?
– Rather the opposite actually. I’m still full from lunch.
「量」や「頻度」を表すrather a lot
The repair of my laptop cost me rather a lot of money but I had no other choice.
My boss gave rather a lot of work to do this weekend.
Our baseball team practices rather a lot especially before a big game.
My family and I go to this restaurant rather a lot.
rather a + 名詞
It was rather a shock to learn about his divorce.
It would have been rather a surprise if he had shown up to the party.
「似ている」と言う意味のrather like + 名詞・動名詞
Some experts say that dinosaurs were rather like birds.
注:「好み」を表す (I) rather likeとは意味が違います。
I’m my personal opinion, going to Okinawa is rather like going to Hawaii.
rather + 動詞
Since it’s sunny today, we were rather hoping to sit at the terrace.
I rather felt uncomfortable during the whole dinner.
rather + 比較級
Meeting my friend after 10 years, I found him rather less interesting than he used to be.
The movie was rather more interesting than I expected.
3. 好き嫌いの程度を和らげたrather like/enjoy/dislike/hate
I rather like to be by myself at home.
I rather enjoy the new season of CSI.
It’s not that he hates jazz but he rather dislikes it.
She rather hates her new boss.
4. 「(もっと)正確に言うと」・「正しくは」と言う意味のrather
My sister, or rather my sister-in-law, does volunteer work in Africa.
Thanks to his work, or rather his team’s work, the project was completed on time.
That’s my wife’s car really, rather than mine.
5. 「(と言う)よりも」・「逆に」と言う意味のrather
You should be relieved rather than disappointed.
Rather than feeling sorry for yourself, you should do something about it.
Rather than sending an email, wouldn’t it better to call the client?
Can we meet on Tuesday rather than Monday?
It seems the children would play video games rather than play outside.
注:It seems the children would rather play video games than play outsideでは
ratherの位置が違う為、意味が異なります。Would ratherは「好み」を表します。
The Takeaway(要点):
英語でrather、又はrather thanは場面に合わせて様々な用法が実際にありますが、日本ではかなり限定された使い方をします。その理由としては、おそらく使い方によって文の意味合いが変わるのと、「程度」を表そうとすると、意味の幅が広すぎるからだと思います。
Thanks for reading until the end! Would you say it was rather simple to understand?