「結果」に値する英語の単語と説明するための表現80選! | Winner's English - 勝負する英語


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英語のプレゼンや会議などで的確に物事の「原因と結果」を説明するチャンスは増えてきていると思います。これをto show cause and effectと言います。そんな時に使える「なので」のような表現を知っているといいですよね?


(1) 名詞のresultの使い方
(2) 動詞のresultの使い方
(3) effect、consequenceとoutcomeの使い方
・effect: 原因から直接引き起こされる「結果」、影響を表します
・consequence: 行動、行為などによる悪い「結果」を表します
・outcome: 手順、プロセス、発展などの最終「結果」を表します
(4) 「なので」と説明や理由を述べてからの「結果」
(5) 「結果」を表す他の英語の表現

(1) 名詞のresultの使い方


She couldn’t play tennis for 3 months as a result of her injury.
She had a serious injury, and, as a result, she couldn’t play tennis for 3 months.

The high employee turnover was a direct result of poor management.

This art piece is the result of  6months of hard work.

The end result of this negotiation is a strong partnership.

Whatever the results, we are here to support you.


They will announce the result of the election tonight.

What are the results from last night’s game?

I didn’t get the test results yet.

Did you get your exam results?
Have you had your results yet?

He presented the market research results to the team.


We need to work together to show results.
We need to work together produce results.

You are guaranteed to get results if you workout 3 times a week.
You are guaranteed to see results if you workout 3 times a week.

We’ve achieved (great) results with this strategy.

We want to ensure the best results by adding some lemon.


(2) 動詞のresultの使い方

The typhoon resulted in many train delays.

Nothing resulted from his efforts.

Low motivation may result from the company’s work hours.

(3) effect、consequenceとoutcomeの使い方

effect: 原因から直接引き起こされる「結果」、影響を表します

The effects of global warming include, rising sea levels and the warming of the ocean surface.

Doctors talk about the positive effects of exercising.

His complain had no effect.

consequence: 行動、行為などによる悪い「結果」を表します

This policy could have serious consequences for the company.
This policy could have disastrous consequences for the company.

I was stuck on the train for 2 hours as a (direct) consequence of the typhoon.
In consequence of the typhoon, I was stuck on the train for 2 hours.

She had to suffer the consequences of her actions.
She had to face the consequences of her actions.
She had to take the consequences of her actions.
She had to deal with the consequences of her actions.
She had to handle with the consequences of her actions.

What are the possible consequences of this merger?

The meeting started 30 minutes early and, in consequence, no one was ready.

It’s of no consequence.

Regardless of consequences, I am here for you.
No matter what the consequences, I got your back you.
I got your back又はI’ve got your backはスラングです。

One consequence of repetitive stress injuries is physical pain in your body.

outcome: 手順、プロセス、発展などの最終「結果」を表します

We are waiting for the final outcome of the negotiations.

The outcome of this negotiation is difficult to predict.

There are six possible outcomes when you throw a dice.

Computers predict the outcome of the game.

Whatever the final outcome of the talks, we are prepared for the next step.

What was the outcome of the game?

(4) 「なので」と説明や理由を述べてからの「結果」

“I think. Therefore, I am.” – René Descartes
「我思う、故に我在り」- レネ・デカルト
※ラテン語で「Cogito ergo sum」

The foundation was poorly designed. Ergo, the building collapsed.
The foundation was poorly designed. Hence, the building collapsed.

There was no fault. Accordingly, there will be no penalty.

A third party joined the conversation, thereby making the situation more complicated.


For this reason, we need to act fast.

For these reasons, our sales has gone up 5% this year.
Due to these reasons, our sales has gone up 5% this year.

Consequently, this is our chance to get back on track.
In consequence, this is our chance to get back on track.
As a consequence, this is our chance to get back on track.

Because of this, we need to improve our communication skills.
Thus, we need to improve our communication skills.
(And) so, we need to improve our communication skills.
注:(and) soso (that)は違います。so (that)は「結果」ではなく「目的」を述べます。

That’s why this is the best solution.

As a result, he won’t be joining us today.

(5) 「結果」を表す他の英語の表現

Since it snowed last night, school was cancelled.

Separating trash has contributed to less carbon emission.

Electric cables had to be fixed in the aftermath of the typhoon.

Changes in the industry had huge repercussions for the company.

The game was cancelled on account of rain.

Severe damage was caused by the typhoon.

The firefighters are determining the cause of the fire.

These problems stem from poor management.

This achievement is the fruit of your labor.

This record is the fruit of our collaboration.

This is the product of many years of effort.

You know how it was going to end.

We aren’t getting anywhere.
We aren’t getting results.

There was a big payoff  in the end.

Yuba is the by-product of soy-milk.

The takeaway:



Good communication skills are the result of your daily effort!

Thank you for reading until the end! See you next time!

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