「強い」の様々なニュアンスを英語で伝える単語と表現92選 | Winner's English - 勝負する英語


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(1) 力や技では他に負けない「強い」
(2) 健康や心身関連の「強い」
(3) 物事に屈しない・ゆるまない「強い」
(4) 環境や条件に屈しない物事に耐える「強い」
(5) 程度や度合いが大きい、はなはだしい時の「強い」
(6) ゆるみがない、かたい時の「強い」
(7) 断固としている、きびしい時の「強い」
(8) 得意とする「強い」

(1) 力や技では他に負けない「強い」

He is physically very strong.
He is incredibly strong.
He has incredible strength.

He is freakishly strong.
He is extremely strong.

He is strong as an ox.

He is too strong.

He is unbeatable.
He can’t be beaten.
No-one can beat him.

They have a strong soccer team.
They have one of the best soccer teams.

(2) 健康や心身関連の「強い」

He will grow up to be strong and tough.
He will grow up to be strong and healthy.

I basically have a strong constitution.

His vitals are strong.
He is holding on.

She has vitality.
She is robust.
She is tough.

He is a vigorous young man.
He is in good health.

(3) 物事に屈しない・ゆるまない「強い」

She has a strong mindset.
She is mentally tough.

He has an inner fortitude.

He has an inner strength.

She has strong conviction.
She has strong belief.

I  won’t give into temptation.
I won’t succumb to temptation.
I  won’t yield to temptation.

We won’t surrender.

(4) 環境や条件に屈しない物事に耐える「強い」

This material is indestructible.

This material is impervious to any kind of damage.

This wall is impenetrable.

This material is water-repellent.

This watch is waterproof.

This watch is water-resistant.

This window is sound-proof and bullet-proof.

This metal can withstand extreme heat.

I found a recession-proof job.

I can hold my liquor.

I can tolerate this weather.
I can stand this weather.
I can endure this weather.

I can take it.

(5) 程度や度合いが大きい、はなはだしい時の「強い」

It’s really windy outside.
There’s a strong wind outside.
The wind is blowing hard outside.

The sunshine is really strong today.
It’s really bright outside today.

I prefer strong drinks.
He prefers hard alcohol.

This is a strong prescription.

He has a strong sense of responsibility.

He has strong interest in sports.
He is passionate when it comes to sports.

They hauled the boat out of the water.

You have to tug on the rope.

(6) ゆるみがない、かたい時の「強い」

The bolt is tight.
The bolt is tightly screwed.

The bolt is stuck.
That’s a stubborn bolt.

Make sure you have a tight grip on the rope.
Make sure you have a firm grip on the rope.
Make sure you have a tenacious grip on the rope.

(7) 断固としている、きびしい時の「強い」

She is strong-willed.
She has a strong will.
She is determined.

She has an unyielding perseverance.

She told her feeling to her husband with a firm tone.
She told her feeling to her husband with a strict tone.
She told her feeling to her husband with a severe tone.

She talked to the audience with a determined tone.
She talked to the audience with a firm intent.

She scolded her children.
She gave her children an earful.
to give an earfulは「耳がいっぱいになるまで」と言う意味になります。

The manager strongly criticized her work.

She is stubborn when it comes to food.
She is obstinate when it comes to food.
She is adamant when it comes to food.
She is insistent when it comes to food.
She is inflexible when it comes to food.

She is stubborn as a mule.

She is obstinate.


(8) 得意とする「強い」

He is good with figures/numbers.
He is great with figures/numbers.
He is excellent with figures/numbers.

She is good at math.
She is great at math.
She is excellent at math.

She is an expert in programming.

The takeaway(要点):




Where there is a will, there is a way! Thank you for reading until the end!

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