場面別で使う「味方」と「敵」に関連する英語の表現集70選 | Winner's English - 勝負する英語


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味方 使い方 side ally support 意味




4. 一般会話で使う「味方」を意味する他の表現


Are they really a good ally to Japan?

Allies of WWII were originally the United Nations.

Our country lost a trustworthy ally.

We made an enemy an ally.

I am proud to say that she was a friend and a political ally.

She was a friend and ally for many years.

Throughout my career, you have been my only ally.

This is country that can become a trustworthy ally in times of trouble.

We are solid and reliable allies in the areas of security and defense.

Your coach or mentor is an important ally inside the workplace.

He will become without a doubt a powerful ally.

In Avatar, some humans become close allies of the Na’vi.

In Avatar: The Way of Water, many tribes formed an alliance to fight the Sky People.

Under the alliance, Japan and France have worked closely together.

Under the terms of the alliance, the two countries must protect each other.

こちら記事もどうぞ →「絆」や「仲間意識」にまつわる英語の単語と表現62選



We all stand up for human rights.

I will stand up for you if there is a problem.

We stand together against the invaders.

She’ll stand by her husband during the trials.

“United we stand, divided we fall”


You mom will always be by your side.

Is he really on our side?

Whose side are you on?

I’m on your side.

We are on the same side.

I side with you on that.

She always sides with the weak.

Whose side are you taking?

He doesn’t want to take sides.

I am on nobody’s side.
I’m not on anyone’s side.


I support you 100%.

We support this organization’s cause.

I support your decision.

I appreciate the mental support.

Our organization supports single mothers.


You’ve got a friend in me. – Song by Randy Newman from Toy Story
「君はともだち」- ランディ・ニューマンによる楽曲『トイ・ストーリー』より

Our army was hit by friendly fire.

As your friend, I advise you not to borrow money from him.

You are my only friend.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


She was what is called a champion of justice.

Your my hero!

He appeared like a knight in shining armor.

A superhero will defend the weak.

Superman is a true defender of justice.

4. 一般会話で使う「味方」を意味する他の表現

This book provides great moral/emotional support.

Having Vegeta on your team is very reassuring.

You are either with me or against me.

I am with you.

I’ve got your back.

Don’t worry, I’m right behind you.

We need everyone to get behind this project.

In school, my friends rallied behind/around me when I got into a fight with the bullies.

There a few tips to win over your husband.

Are you on team Cap or team Iron Man on this one?

“If you need me, I’ll be there.” – Steve Rogers from Captain America Civil War
「僕を必要とした時は、必ず駆けつける。」- S・ロジャース『キャプテン・アメリカ:シビル・ウォー』より

Mother knows best – Song from Tangled
『お母様は貴方の味方』 – アニメ『塔の上のラプンツェル』より

The President was known as a man of the people.

“A government of the people, by the people, for the people” – U.S. President A. Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863
「人民の, 人民による, 人民のための政治」- リンカーン大統領『ゲティスバーグ演説 (1863年)』より

Let me introduce you to the Non-Player Characters (NPC) in this game.


Barry is my nemesis.

Lex Luthor is Superman’s arch-enemy.

He is my sworn enemy.

There is someone in our group who is an enemy in disguise.

Allies and foes are virtually one in the same.

Our soldiers are now in deep enemy territory.

For many years, Nadal, Federer and Djokovic were rivals.

The Shogo master is facing a formidable adversary/opponent.

A good story needs a good antagonist.


The Takeaway(要点):



Thank you for reading until the end! My blog is always here to support your English studies!

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