英語でbothという単語はよく副詞、代名詞、接続詞として使われますが、文章を作る際に位置が分かりづらかったり、both of又はbothのみなのかが分かりづらいと良く言われます。基本的には「両方」という意味で使われますが、「二つとも」、「どちらも」や「共に」という意味でも使われます。英語で複数形のyou、usやthemは、何人いるのかが分かりづらい時があります。二人だと強調したい時にboth ofを使います。
ただし、bothはeitherと違って、否定文では使いません。つまり、「どちらも嫌いです」はI don’t like bothではなく、I don’t like eitherになります。この様に、文章によってbothの使い方が異なってきます。また、bothの位置が変わると、文の意味が変わってしまったり、文を無駄に強調してしまう事もあります。
1. 名詞と一緒に使うboth
2. 限定詞の前に来るboth (of)
3. 代名詞の後に使うboth
4. them、us、you(複数形)の前に使うboth of
5. 助動詞と主動詞の間にくるboth
6. 主動詞がbe動詞の場合のbothの使い方
7. 代名詞として使うboth
8. both of whichとboth of whomの使い方
9. 強調に使う接続詞のboth a and b
10. bothを使う時の注意点
1. 名詞と一緒に使うboth
For dessert you can have chocolate cake or ice cream but you can’t have it both ways.
Make sure you look both ways before crossing the street.
I help you and you help me. This goes both ways.
こちらの記事もよろしければどうぞ → 英語でwayの様々な意味とよく使う例文とイディオム92選
I work in the city and live in the country side so I get the best of both worlds.
I’m afraid both seats are already taken.
Make sure to hold it with both hands or else it could slip.
My kids jumped in the mud with both feet.
We need to hear both sides of the story to make a proper decision.
2. 限定詞の前に来るboth (of)
I checked, and both (of) the restaurants are expensive and far from here.
※both restaurantsで十分です。この場合、theを省略できます。
Even though both (of) her parents are from Japan, she doesn’t speak Japanese.
Both (of) my children go to the same school.
Both (of) these jackets are made of leather.
I like both (of) these jackets.
Both (of) those words can be used interchangeably.
3. 代名詞の後に使うboth
The two wallpapers are different but I like them both.
I know they are in a fight but I invited them both to the party.
They both had the same idea at the same time.
We both dislike horror movies so we never watch them.
– Is your wife the only one who is surprised?
– No, we both are!
– Which one of us is an idiot?
– You both are!
I need you both to stay here in case something happens.
I’d like to thank you both for your help earlier.
I’ll see you both at work on Monday!
I’m sorry to keep you both waiting.
This gift is from us both.
Our grandmother looked at us both before hugging us.
My parents both studied overseas when they were students.
4. them、us、you(複数形)の前に使うboth of
The two wallpapers are different but I like both of them.
I know they are in a fight but I invited both of them to the party.
Both of them had the same idea at the same time.
Both of us dislike horror movies so we never watch them.
I need both of you to stay here in case something happens.
I’d like to thank both of you for your help earlier.
I’ll see both of you at work on Monday!
Both of you are from Japan?
This gift is from both of us.
Our grandmother looked at both of us before hugging us.
Both of my parents studied overseas when they were students.
5. 助動詞と主動詞の間にくるboth
My children are both reading in their rooms.
They have both gone to the supermarket to buy groceries.
The two projects were both approved by the board.
6. 主動詞がbe動詞の場合のbothの使い方
They got married last month and are both very happy.
The two brothers love art and are both creative.
The answers are both correct but one of them is more formal.
You are both from Japan?
注:You both are from Japan? は「二人」を強調してしまうのでこの場合は不自然に聞こえます。
Are both of you Japanese?
Are you both Japanese?
You are both idiots!
7. 代名詞として使うboth
Both are correct answers but one of them is more formal.
Every student needs to speak Japanese and English, preferably both.
The final is Djokovic VS Alcaraz. Both seem well-prepared to face each other.
Both have a good point but I side with Tom on this one.
It’s either A or B. Unfortunately, both can’t happen at the same time.
8. both of whichとboth of whomの使い方
We received two assignments, both of which are due this Friday.
Product A and B, both of which sell very well in Japan, will be receiving an upgrade.
She has two older brothers, both of whom live overseas.
Tom and Val, both of whom are top pilots, will be teaming up on the next mission.
9. 強調に使う接続詞のboth a and b
I speak both English and French.
Both Tom and Val came to visit me at the hospital.
– I was shocked by the news!
– You and me both!
10. bothを使う時の注意点
- 代名詞のbothは二つのものを指しますので、複数形として扱います。
- 否定文の場合はbothよりeitherを使います。
- 主動詞がbe動詞の場合、bothは動詞の後に来ます(ただし、主語を強調する場合は別)。
- bothの前にはtheは来ません。
- both ofと主語代名詞 (I, we, he, she, they, 又は who) は一緒に使いません。
- bothの位置が変わると文の意味が変わります。
We want both of you to come.
We both want you to come.
The instructions are both in Japanese and English.
The instructions are in both Japanese and English.
The Takeaway(要点):
Thank you for reading until the end! Let’s work hard to master both English and Japanese!