- 話す側:相手がしっかり理解したかを確認し、誤解をできるだけ無くす
- 聞く側:理解しようとしていることを表し、相手の話に興味を持っていることをアピールする
(1) 物事を「明らかにする」ための英語の表現
(2) 自分の言ったことを「明らかにする」英語の表現
(3) 相手の発言や質問を「明らかにする」時の英語の表現
(1) 物事を「明らかにする」ための英語の表現
I’d like to clarify my position.
I’d like to make my position clear.
I’d like to clarify something.
I’d like to make something clear.
Can I clarify something?
I’d like some clarification regarding this issue.
I’d like to shed some light on this matter.
I’d like to throw some light on this matter.
I hope that makes everything clear.
I hope that makes things clear.
I hope that clarifies everything.
I hope this makes things (much) less confusing.
(2) 自分の言ったことを「明らかにする」英語の表現
In other words, what I mean is, it’s a difficult situation.
To clarify, I mean we need more time.
What I mean is we need more time.
What I actually meant was that this project is going to fail.
What I really wanted to say was that this project is going to fail.
What I’m trying to say is this project is going to fail.
What I wanted to say was that this project is going to fail.
I’m probably not making myself clear. Let me put it this way.
I’m probably not making myself clear. Let me put it another way.
My explanation wasn’t very clear. Let me rephrase that.
Let me repeat that.
Let me go through that again.
That’s not exactly what I mean. Let me explain.
That wasn’t clear? Sorry, to say this differently…
Does that make everything clear?
Does that clarify everything?
Would you like me to clarify that?
Do you need any clarification?
I hope I was able to shed some light on the matter.
I hope I was able to throw some light on the matter.
(3) 相手の発言や質問を「明らかにする」時の英語の表現
Could you explain/clarify what you just said?
Could you explain/clarify what you meant/said by “soon”?
Could you give us an example?
Could you be more specific, please?
Would you elaborate on that , please?
Could you be more explicit?
Sorry, could you repeat that?
Sorry, could you rephrase what you said?
Could you put it differently please?
Could you say that in a different way?
Sorry, could you rephrase your question?
Would you mind rephrasing that, please?
Would you mind repeating your question, please?
When you said “ASAP”, what did you mean (by that)?
I’m not quite sure what you are saying.
What are you trying to say?
The takeaway(要点):
更に、これだけの数の表現を使いこなせれば、英語の会話で物事を「明らかにする」時、くどいとは思われません。Variety is the spice of life!「変化あってこそ人生はおもしろい!」と言うことです。
Thanks for reading until the end! I hope I was able to shed some light on the matter.