英語で「〜に連絡をする」はto contact (someone)と言います。実はcontactの接尾語-tactは「触る」という意味で、接頭語のcon-は「一緒に」という意味です。すると、to get in touch with (someone)も「〜と連絡を取る」という意味の由来も納得行くと思います。その他にも様々な表現がいくつかあります。
(1) 連絡することを伝える表現
(2) 相手と連絡が取れたのかを聞く表現
(3) 相手と連絡が取れないことを説明する表現
(4) 連絡先を聞く時の表現
(5) 連絡のお礼をする時の表現
(6) 連絡が遅れた時の表現
(7) 連絡先を他人からもらった時の表現
(1) 連絡することを伝える表現
I’ll give you a call later.
I’ll call you later.
I’ll get back to you (on that) by email.
I’ll get back to you (on that) via email.
I’ll get in touch with you.
I’ll be in touch.
I’ll touch base with you.
I’ll get in touch with you by email as soon as possible.
I’ll send you an email as soon as possible.
Let’s get in touch soon.
Let’s stay in touch.
Let’s keep in touch.
I will definitely get in touch with you again shortly.
I’ll contact you as soon as possible.
I’ll get a hold of him later this week.
Keep me informed!
Keep me up to date!
Email me!
Text me!
Call me!
Hit me up!
Keep me in the loop!
I’ll give you a buzz when you are in town.
I’ll give you a ring when you are in town.
Give me a shout when you are in town.
Give me a buzz when you are in town.
Hit me up when you are in town.
I’ll text you later.
I’ll email you later.
※text youは「文を送る」という意味なので、SMS、LineやMessengerなどのツールでもOKです。
Can you get back to me ASAP? You can reach me by email or phone.
Give me a call when you get this message!
Send me an email whenever.
PM me on Facebook.
Send me a message via Facebook.
※PMは Private Messageの略です。つまり、「プライベート・メッセージでお願いします。」という意味です。
Why don’t you call her?
Why don’t you give her a call?
Why don’t you ring her?
(2) 相手と連絡が取れたのかを聞く表現
Did you get a hold of her?
Were you able to get in touch with her?
Did you have a chance to talk to him?
Have you had a chance to talk to him?
Have you heard from Mike yet?
Has Jim called back yet?
Has Jim emailed back yet?
Did you get an email from Mr.Smith about the project?
Have you heard from Ms. Smith about the project?
(3) 相手と連絡が取れないことを説明する表現
I called but she isn’t answering her phone.
The phone keeps ringing but no-one is answering.
I’ve been trying to reach him all day with no luck.
I’ve been trying to contact him all day.
I can’t seem to get a hold of him.
I can’t reach him.
I can’t seem to get in touch with him.
It’s impossible to reach him.
I can’t get in touch with him.
I called his office but they don’t want to put me through.
The client can’t be reached at this number.
The client can’t be contacted at this number.
She hasn’t returned my call(s).
I’m still waiting for him to call back.
I’m still waiting for him to return my call(s).
She hasn’t replied to my email yet.
I haven’t heard from him yet.
(4) 連絡先を聞く時の表現
What is your contact information?
What is the best way to reach you?
What is the best way to contact you?
What is the best way to get in touch with you?
How can I contact you?
How do I get in touch with you?
How do I get a hold of you?
Could I get your contact information so we can (stay in touch)?
Could you send me a phone number where I can reach you?
Do you have a business card?
Do you know (Mr. Smith’s) email address by any chance?
Do you happen to know (Mr. Smith’s) email address by any chance?
Would you mind giving me her contact information?
I don’t have your email address.
I don’t have your phone number.
Can I get your number or email address?
What is your email address?
What is your phone number?
I want to get in touch with you but I don’t know how.
Are you using Line or Facebook?
Are you on Facebook or Line?
Do you have a Facebook or Line account?
Is it OK if I add you on Facebook or Line?
Can I add you on Facebook or Line?
(5) 連絡のお礼をする時の表現
Thank you for getting back to me.
Thank you for contacting us.
Thank you for getting in touch with us.
Thank you for your email.
Thank you for your call.
Thank you for promptly contacting me despite your busy schedule.
Thank you for promptly contacting me despite how busy you are.
Thank you for letting me know (about the problem).
I appreciate your letting me know (about the problem).
Thanks for keeping me in the loop (regarding this matter).
(6) 連絡が遅れた時の表現
I apologize for not getting in touch with you sooner.
I apologize for not contacting you sooner.
I am terribly sorry for contacting you (so) late.
I apologize for taking so long in responding to your e-mail.
I apologize for the late reply.
I am deeply sorry for the late reply.
I am very sorry for the late response.
I am awfully sorry for my late reply.
My deepest apologies for the late reply.
My sincerest apologies for the delayed response.
(Please) forgive me for taking so long to reply.
Sorry for my late reply.
Sorry for getting back to you so late.
Sorry for the delayed response.
I’m sorry I didn’t get in touch with you sooner.
I am really sorry. I meant to contact you sooner.
(7) 連絡先を他人からもらった時の表現
Mr. Smith suggested (that) I contact you.
Mr. Smith suggested (that) I get in touch with you.
I was given your contact information by Mr. Smith.
My boss asked me to get in touch with you.
I was asked to email you.
My boss told me to contact you.
I was told to call you.
I got your contact information from John.
John gave me your number.
The takeaway:
今後はto contact以外に、get in touchやto get a hold ofも使ってみましょう。また、電話やメールのによって表現が若干変わりましたね。今では、「連絡」はFacebookやLineなどの通信路もあります。それらにあった表現も覚えておきましょう!
Thanks for reading until the end! Don’t forget to stay in touch with your friends around the world!