(1) 道に迷った時の表現
(2) 「道案内」をお願いする時に使う英語の表現
(3) 「道案内」をする時の英語
(1) 道に迷った時の表現
Excuse me, I’m lost.
I seem to be lost!
I think I’m lost!
I got lost on the way to your house.
We went astray.
We went off track.
We went off course.
(2) 「道案内」をお願いする時に使う英語の表現
注:道を聞くときはExcuse meを忘れずに!
Where is your office located?
※電話で使う質問です。Where is your office?より丁寧な聞き方です。
I’m looking for a bank.
I’m looking for this address.
Could you tell me where the station is?
Is there a bank near here/around here/nearby/close-by/in the neighborhood?
Where is city hall?
Where is the best place to buy gifts near here?
Do you know where the post office is?
Are there any good restaurants around here?
Is there an interesting museum in the city?
Is there a good place where we can enjoy good live music?
Could you tell me how to get to the station?
Could you tell me the way to the station?
Could you direct me to the station?
Excuse me, how do I get to National Museum (from here)?
Which way do I go to get to the station?
getの使い方はこちらでも紹介しています!→ get、fetch、bringの上手な使い分け方42選
Could you help me find a bank?
Excuse me, what is the best way to the city?
What is the fastest/quickest way to the city?
What is the easiest way to the city?
What is the most convenient way to the city?
What is the cheapest way to the city?
Is this the right way to the station?
Am I going in the right direction?
How far is it (from here)?
How long does it take (from here)?
How far is it (from here) on foot?
How long does it take (from here) on foot?
How far is it (from here) by car?
How long does it take (from here) by car?
How much farther (is it from here)?
Is it far (from here)?
Is it close to here?
Is it near here?
注:Close FROM hereは間違いです。
(3) 「道を案内」する時の英語
Are you lost?
You seem to be lost. Can I help you?
Do you need directions?
Are you looking for something?
Where are you trying to go?
Sorry, I’m not sure.
Sorry, I don’t know.
Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t know.
Sorry, I’m not from around here.
Sorry, I’m from out of town.
Sorry, I don’t know these streets very well.
Sorry, I’m not familiar with the area.
It’s close/not far (from here).
It’s not very far (from here).
It’s not so far (from here).
It’s very close (from here).
It’s quite close (from here).
It’s a little far (from here).
It’s quite far (from here).
It’s a long way on foot.
It’s a long walk.
Keep walking/driving for 2 miles until you see the bank.
It’s (about) 5 minutes (from here) on foot.
It’s (approximately) 5 minutes (from here) on foot.
It’s a 5-minute walk (from here).
It’s about 5 minutes (from here) by car.
It’s a 5-minute drive (from here).
It’s only 5 minutes (from here).
Go up /down Main Street for about 5 minutes.
「Main Streetを大体5分歩きます。」
You have to walk/drive for about 10 minutes.
Do you know where ABC Bank is? We are right next to it.
Can you see ABC Bank? We are right in front of it.
It’s between the bank and the convenience store.
It’s (right) there.
It’s (right) over there.
It’s (right) on your left/right.
It’s (right) behind/in front of the building.
It’s (right) next to the bank.
It’s (right) across the street.
It’s opposite the street.
It’s just around the corner.
It’s at the corner of Main Street and 52nd Street.
「Main Streetと52丁目の角です。」
It’s at the end of this street.
Leave the room and turn left/right.
Leave the building and go to your left/right.
Take this street.
It’s this way.
It’s that way.
Go straight ahead.
Go straight for 2 blocks.
Go straight until you see a bridge.
Keep going until you see a bridge.
Go up/down Main Street.
「Main St.をまっすぐ行ってください。」
※Go upとgo downは同じ様に使えます。Go downの方がよく使われますが、
坂が上がっていく場合や、建物の番号が大きくなっていく場合はgo upが使えます。
Go up/down Main Street to 52nd Street.
「Main Streetから52丁目まで進みます。」
Go all the way down the street.
Go along the river.
Turn left/right.
Turn left/right into Main Street.
「左・右に曲がってMain Streetに入ります。」
Turn left/right at the first intersection.
Take the first on the left/right.
Cross the street.
Follow the signs to the exit.
You are going the wrong way.
You are going in the wrong direction.
Go past the convenience store.
Continue past the convenience store.
You will pass a bank.
You’ll see it on the right/left.
You should see it on your right/left.
You can’t miss it.
You won’t miss it.
The takeaway(要点):
That you for reading until the end! Don’t hesitate to ask for directions!