You can load the boxes on either side of the truck「トラックの両側に箱を積み込むことができます」と言われたら、何故both sides of the truckと言わないのか疑問に思った事はありますか?日本語に訳すと、どちらも「トラックの両側」と言うふうに訳されます。その為、eitherとbothの使い分けに迷う方は珍しくないと思います。また、相関接続詞either A or Bとneitherを使った様々な表現は、以前の記事で紹介しましたが、今回は限定詞としての使い方に特化したいと思います。
限定詞とは(determiner, determinative)とは、すぐ後に来る名詞や名詞句を修飾する語の一種です。主によく使われるのは、a やthe、this、that、やmy、yourなどの代名詞、muchやmanyなどなど、沢山ありますが、実は、both、either、neitherも限定詞として使われます。これらは「両方とも」、「どちらか」、「どちらでもない」と言うふうに単純に訳せます。ただし、全体の文章によって使い方が異なります。また、後に来る名詞が単数系か複数形かに注意を払いましょう!
本日は、限定詞both、eitherとneitherの違い34選を、講師として18年以上の経験を持つネイティブ・スピーカーで異文化コミュニケーションの専門家(米・仏・日)である筆者が紹介します。ついでに、both of、either of、neither ofもマスターしましょう!
1. 限定詞bothの使い方
a) both + 名詞
b) both of + 限定詞 + 名詞
c) both of + 目的格代名詞
2. 限定詞eitherの使い方
a) either + 名詞
b) either of + 限定詞 + 名詞
c) either of + 目的格代名詞
3. 限定詞neitherの使い方
a) neither + 名詞
b) neither of + 限定詞 + 名詞
c) neither of + 目的格代名詞
1. 限定詞bothの使い方
both + 名詞
There are plenty of shops lined up on both sides of the river.
Even though both arguments sound reasonable, I am not convinced.
Both companies competed to develop the best chip. As a result, the quality improved.
This is a double swinging door and therefore it swings both ways.
While everyone is making an interesting case, we should consider both solutions.
In general, both rules are accepted.
Are both dogs yours, or just one?
Why are you carrying so many things in both hands?
Please hold this ladder using both hands or else I will lose balance.
both of + 限定詞 + 名詞
Both of my children live overseas, and so I see them only once a year.
By the way, both of the women I met were friends of my wife.
Route A and route B, both of those routes seem complicated and long.
both of + 目的格代名詞
Because the two kids tried to steal his apples, the old man shouted at both of them.
Congratulations on your wedding! I am so happy for both of you!
2. 限定詞eitherの使い方
either + 名詞
Even though either argument sounds reasonable, I am not convinced.
We can load the furniture on either side of the truck and put the boxes in the middle.
注:一つの箱を両方に積み込む事はできないので、ここではeither side「どちら側かに」になります。
You can walk on either side of the river. However, it’s really crowded during this season.
注:足がメチャクチャ長く無いかぎる、両側をいっぺんに歩く事はできませんので、either sideになります。
Personally, I don’t like either idea. But, this is all we have.
You can take either route, and you will arrive at the station.
either of + 限定詞 + 名詞
Either of my children will be at home to receive the package.
Either of the teammates can make the presentation tomorrow.
You can choose either of these options.
either of + 目的格代名詞
Tom or Val, you can follow either of them.
Does either of you know where the bank is?
3. 限定詞neitherの使い方
neither + 名詞
Neither argument sounds reasonable, so I am not convinced.
Since the negotiation ended in a deadlock, neither side wanted to continue.
Neither team won. In other words, it ended in a draw.
「どちらのチームも勝ちませんでした。 つまり引き分けで試合終了しました。」
Take neither road. Instead, go through the small streets.
neither of + 限定詞 + 名詞
Neither of my parents likes to play golf.
Neither of the choices seems appealing to me.
Tom agrees with neither of the plans.
People say he is kind and generous but neither of those things is true.
neither of + 目的格代名詞
Neither of us knew where the bank was.
My sister is so angry she wants to speak with neither of you.
The Takeaway(要点):
これらの例文を通して、either sideとboth sidesの違いが明らかになったのでは無いでしょうか。限定詞both、either、neitherの後の名詞が単数形か複数形かで、それらの使い分けに納得できるかと思います。
限定詞eitherとneitherの後に来る名詞は単数形ですが(例:either idea)、either of、neither ofのあとは複数形の名詞がきますので注意が必要です(例:either of the ideas)。
Thank you for reading until the end! My advice is, avoid translating from either languages!