「問い合わせ」は正式には英語でto enquireとto inquireが二つありますが、昔はto enquireはto ask「尋ねる・問う・頼む」同様に使われ、inquiryは「公式調査を行う」と言う意味で使われていました。ただし、現在、イギリスではto enquireは一般的に上記のように使われ、to inquireはアメリカで使われています。
イギリス英語ではto enquireは一般的な質問を示し、to inquireは捜査を示します。それに対して、アメリカ英語ではto enquireは綴りの間違いと判断されます。
・相手に頼み事をする(最後にpleaseやthank youを忘れずに!)
I’m interested in an psychology course at your school.
I’d like some information about your rooms.
I’d like to know your room rates.
I saw your brochure about your services and I’d like some more information.
I came across your website and I would like to ask you some questions.
Do you happen to know when the meeting will start?
I would like to know if any classes are still available.
I’m writing to ask about your products.
I’m writing about your products.
I’m interested in an English course at your university and I’d like more information about:
1) the schedule
2) the class size
3) the levels
「1)時間表 2)クラスの大きさ 3)レベル」
I am interested in your English course but I have a few questions/queries:
1) What days are the classes?
2) How many students are there in one class?
3) What are the different levels?
「1)授業は何曜日ですか? 2)一クラス何人ですか? 3)レベルはいくつありますか?」
I am writing to enquire about your company services.
With reference to your advertisement in yesterday’s newspaper, could you…?
In reference to your advertisement in yesterday’s newspaper, could you…?
I’m calling to ask about your products.
I’m calling about the training course for newly graduates.
I am calling to enquire about your company services.
相手に頼み事をする(最後にpleaseやthank youを忘れずに!)
I would be grateful if you could provide more information.
I would also be grateful if you would give me more information.
I was wondering if you could tell me when my package will arrive.
Could you possibly tell me when my package will arrive?
Would you mind giving him/her a message?
Would you do me a favor? Could you give him/her a message?
Could you do me a favor? Could you give him/her a message?
Can you give me a call when you get this message?
Good morning. ABC corporation. Ken Young speaking. How can/may I help you?
Thank you for calling ABC corporation. How can/may I assist you?
Thank you for calling us. How can/may I be of assistance?
Thank you for contacting us. Regarding your recent enquiry,…
Thank you for your enquiry for…
Thank you for considering our services.
Thank you for your interest our services.
You may also be interested to know that we offer a 30% discount for our loyal customers.
You might like to know that we also offer a 30% discount for our loyal customers.
Here is a pdf for further details.
Attached is a pdf for more information.
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to call/contact me.
Let me know if you need any more info.
Please contact me if you have any questions or if you need any advice.
I’m sorry we couldn’t help.
Sorry that I couldn’t be of any help.
I regret to say that we no longer provide that service.
I’m sorry Sir/Ma’am. I’m afraid there is nothing we can do except…
All our lines are busy at the moment.
We are flooded with enquiries at the moment.
The takeaway(要点):
Thank you for reading until the end! Please read my other articles for more information about the english language!