- 一つ目は、文頭に置かれる場合、「(物事の) 最初」や「第一に」と言う意味を持っています。
- 二つ目は、「だいたい」や「いったい」と接続詞としても使えます。
(1)「(物事の) 最初」、「第一に」と言う意味の「そもそも」
(1)「(物事の) 最初」、「第一に」と言う意味の「そもそも」
First of all, this is wrong.
In the first place, this is not correct.
To begin with, this is wrong.
He didn’t help me in the first place.
He didn’t help me to begin with.
He didn’t help me to start with.
Right from the start, I had my suspicions.
I had my suspicions right from the start.
From the (very) beginning, I never trusted him.
I never trusted him, from the (very) beginning.
Right from the (very) beginning, I liked her.
I liked her right from the (very) beginning.
Firstly, the objective is different.
To start with, the objective is different.
Before we go into details, I’d like to confirm some information.
Now, this is only a preliminary results.
What does that mean anyway?
Everything is ok, and anyway it wasn’t your fault.
Anyway, it wasn’t your fault.
When the hell did you get here anyways?
I wanted to travel to France but the ticket is too expensive anyway.
Her parents were against their marriage, but they got married anyway.
特に、~the hellは怒りの様な強いネガティブな気持ちを伝えたりするときに使います。
What on earth happened here?
What in the world happened here?
What the hell happened here?
Who on earth would use my computer?
Who in the world would use my computer?
Who the hell would use my computer?
Why on earth do you want to talk to her?
Why in the word do you want to talk to her?
Why the hell do you want to talk to her?
Why on earth would you say that?
Why in the world would you say that?
Why the hell would you say that?
How on earth did you know?
How in the world did you know?
How the hell did you know?
When on earth did this happen?
When in the world did this happen?
When the hell did this happen?
The takeaway(要点):
最後に、What on earth?!やWhat the hell?!はそのままでも使えますから、びっくりした時やイラっとした時には使ってみてください。
Thank you for reading until the end!