様々なlose、lostとlossの意味と使い方92選 | Winner's English - 勝負する英語


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lost lose 意味 使い方

英語lostはよく使われる便利な単語です。例えば、「(財布を)なくした」はI lost (my wallet)と言います。日本語では「(財布を)落とした」と言う別の言い方もしますが、英語では変わりません。動詞のlose(過去形・過去分詞はlost)は、日本語と同じく、幅広く使われるので、使い方によって「失う」「無くす」以外の意味が無数あります。



9. lostを含む他の表現とイディオム集
10. 形容詞のlostとよく使う名詞集
11. lossとloserの使い方


The whole city lost power last night.

In summer, many people lose consciousness due to a heat stroke.

“You better lose yourself in the music, the moment.”  – From Lose Yourself by Eminem
「音楽とその瞬間に没頭しろ。」- エミネムのLose Yourselfより

Most employees are afraid of losing their job.

Did you lose your sense of taste and smell when you caught Covid?

We have too much to lose in this project.

You have nothing to lose so give it your all!

The political party started to lose ground with voters after the allegations.

She lost her chance of becoming the number 1 player in the world.

He lost any chance of going out with that girl.

All is not lost. We can still salvage the data.

Nasa lost contact with the satellite.

I lost contact with most of my high school friends.

We lost an entire crop due to the typhoon.

The town lost hundreds of acres of crops.

I lost $200 betting on that horse.

The company lost profit after the deal fell through.

Due to the slippery road, the driver lost control of the car.

I think her message got lost in translation.

She lost her husband to a fire.

Our town lost an important person today.


You look great! How much weight did you lose?

Thanks to a healthy diet and some exercise, she lost 15kg in 3 months.

He started losing hair due to stress at work.

His grandfather started losing his memory after the war.

She lost a lot of blood in the accident.


It’s easy to lose confidence in yourself but it’s an opportunity to become stronger.

The professor was so boring that I lost interest in the subject.

She lost her patience with his attitude.

If I ever lose my faith in you, there’d be nothing left for me to do. – From a song by Sting
「君のことを信頼できなくなることがあったら、僕にできることは何もなくなってしまう」- スティングの曲より

We shouldn’t lose hope of finding your phone.

Have you lost faith in humanity? I think there is still hope.

こちらの記事もよろしければ是非! → 英語でI hopeの意味と7つの使い方が分かる例文45選


Once again, he lose the argument against his wife.

She lost the championship to a newcomer.

We may have lost the battle but not the war.

Our team lost the game last night and therefore the championship.


I think I’ve lost my keys somewhere.

If Djokovic loses this point, Alcaraz will win the set.

I know it’s difficult to meet someone these days but don’t lose heart!


Let’s not lose any more time.

She didn’t lose any time finding a new job.

The company lost a lot of money in the business.


Be careful not to get lost in the woods.

After walking for an hour, we got lost in the streets of Tokyo.

I think we are lost.

He lost his way while working in Hollywood.



Ethan was able to lose his chasers in the desert.

You should lose that hat. It doesn’t suit you.

You should lose that guy!

9. lostを含む他の表現とイディオム集

Have you lost your mind?

The professor lost his marbles during his research.

Let’s not lose our heads.

Chivalry is a concept lost on some people.

Your joke is lost on me.

The irony of the situation is not lost on me.

I completely lost it when that guy cut in front of me.

I lost my train of thought. What was I saying?

I was so concentrated that I lost track of time.

 This is such a surprise that I am lost for words.

She can’t hear you when she is lost in her thoughts.

I lost my appetite after seeing that video.

I lost count of the number of times someone asked me that question.

It seems as if that artist has lost his touch.

After his success he lost touch with reality.

We were good friends but we lost touch after high school.

I know he is upset but I won’t lose any sleep over it.

Don’t lose your nerve. Everything will be fine!

She seems to lose her grip in front of a big crowd.

Be patient and don’t lose your cool.

I apologize for losing my temper earlier.

Try not to lose your temper this time.

Don’t lose sight of the big picture during this project.

I lost sight of why I was doing this.

I would feel lost without her if she ever leaves me.

Don’t you feel lost without your smartphones?

You lost me with your explanation.

Get lost!

10. 形容詞のlostとよく使う名詞集

I told him many times to exercise regularly but he is a lost cause.

We were two lost souls but we found each other.

Dwelling on long-lost love could cost you dearly.

If you find a personal item, please put it in the lost-and-found box.

Because of technology, letter writing is becoming a lost art.

He tried to recapture his lost youth through his hobbies.

I think there is an awareness of lost opportunity.

The Maya is an example of a lost civilization.

Aquaman 2 –The Lost Kingdom

11. lossとloserの使い方

Our country suffered a great loss today.

I feel at a loss when a friend loses a family member.

The company suffered a considerable financial loss.

It’s not a complete loss. We can still retrieve some items from the sunken ship.

You’re such a loser!

He is such a sore loser!

The Takeaway(要点):



Thanks for reading until the end! I hope you didn’t get lost in all these examples!

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