「方法」と言う意味で使われる英語の単語と例文55選 | Winner's English - 勝負する英語


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方法 英語




1. あらゆる「方法」が表せるwayを使った例文
2. 達成への「方向性」・「道」をイメージする「方法」の表現
3. もっと具体的な「方法」を意味する単語集

1. あらゆる「方法」が表せるwayを使った例文

Is reading the best way to increase vocabulary?

I’m thinking of the best way to put this without hurting your feelings.

His way of dealing with a customer isn’t very ethical.

I’m afraid this is the only way to do it.

There are no other ways to do this.

“I stood tall and I did it my way.” –  From Frank Sinatra’s My Way
「私は堂々と立ち、自分のやり方でやりました。」- フランク・シナトラの『マイ・ウエイ』より

What’s the easiest way to the station?

更に詳しくはこちらもどうぞ → 英語でwayの様々な意味とよく使う例文とイディオム92選

2. 達成への「方向性」・「道」をイメージする「方法」の表現

A higher education used to be the best route to a good job.

A healthy diet and regular exercise is the route to health.

His diligence and hard work was the pathway to his success.

We hope that this program can open new pathways for young generations.

The CEO established the road map for achieving his vision.

Communication and understanding is the road map to peace.

If you want to place a complaint you must go through proper/usual channels.

3. もっと具体的な「方法」を意味する単語集


“I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.”- Queen Amidala in Star Wars Episode I
「戦争を招く行動は許しません。」- アミダラ女王 『スター・ウォーズ エピソードI』

The president had no plan of action despite the crisis.

We must take immediate action in order to salvage the ship.


We need a whole new approach to the problem.

Parents should adopt a different approach when it comes to scolding their children.

Tom is always very logical in his approach.


I wonder what is the formula for making money and making your dreams come true.

Many people are asking what the formula for learning a language is.


You can use several platforms as a means of communication.

Trains are one of the safest means of transportation.

She tried to explain her ideas by means of diagrams.


We are taking measures to preserve nature.

The car company is taking every measure against air pollution.


Do you know a good method to learn English?

This farm uses the latest method to grow tomatoes.

Could explain the methodology you used in your research?


I find that reading regularly is the best practice to increase reading speed.

It’s common practice to take off your shoes in Japan.

It’s good practice to write in English daily.


Please follow the proper procedure to exit the building in case of a fire.

What is the standard procedure to inform all our employees about company changes?

Our company has new procedures for dealing with complaints.


There are several steps in the negotiation process.

The peace process between the two countries is taking longer than expected.

In multiple-choice questions, sometimes you can use the process of elimination to find the right answer.

The process of thinking is asking and answering questions.


Unsupervised children in the park sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Sleep depravation and studying the day before the test is a recipe for failure.

Perseverance and determination is the recipe for success.


I have a system to organize my office so please do not move anything.

The education system is failing but no one knows what to do.

Most countries in the world use the metric system.


In order to draw with a pencil, you must learn a few techniques first.

This doctor uses an excellent massage technique.

One negotiation technique you should use is to empathize with your counterpart.



He follows a daily routine in order to stay in shape.

Has the FBI determined the Unsub’s modus operandi (M.O.)?
modus operandiはラテン語で「(仕事などの)やり方」と言う意味でも使われます。

The artist expressed her feelings through the medium of dance.

There is no mechanism in place to ensure that changes are made to company policies.

The governor might not have the best political strategy for his campaign.

The coach decided to radically change tactics after half-time.

The Takeaway(要点):


結構万能なwayは、「道」「方向」を表すので、「目的に辿り着く為の道」と言う意味にもなります。つまり、類語のroutepathwayroad map「方法」と言う意味で使えます。

Thank you for reading until the end. Have you found the best method to leaning English?

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