英語のabsoluteは日本語で「絶対」と訳されますが、語源はラテン語のabsolutus「無制限の」です。すると、absolute power「絶対権力」の元の意味「無制限の力」も納得できます。副詞のabsolutelyは、「制限なく」・「全く」が基本的な意味になります。
3. 発言を強調するabsolutelyの使い方
4. 同意や拒否を強調するabsolutelyの使い方
5. Absolutelyの代わりに使える単語集
It’s been an absolute pleasure.
It was an absolute pleasure working with you.
You require the absolute majority to win the elections.
Absolute silence is required in the library.
The king rules with absolute authority.
The wedding was held in absolute secrecy.
Absolute power corrupts.
At a temperature of absolute zero, all particles are mostly motionless.
That is absolute nonsense.
We’ve achieved absolutely nothing in this meeting.
I have absolutely no idea.
It’s absolutely silent in the library.
You must be absolutely quiet in the temple.
Are you absolutely sure?
I am not absolutely sure.
3. 発言を強調するabsolutelyの使い方
I’m absolutely positive.
She wasn’t just sad, she was absolutely devastated.
To be absolutely honest, I don’t like the new design.
She absolutely refuses anyone’s help.
That’s absolutely preposterous/ridiculous/absurd!
I absolutely love this movie.
She does all the hard work while he does absolutely nothing around the house.
The service at this hotel was absolutely fantastic.
4. 同意や拒否を強調するabsolutelyの使い方
I absolutely agree with you!
You are absolutely right!
You are absolutely correct!
こちらの記事もどうぞ →「その通りです!」、会議や論議で賛成する英語の表現80選
– Are you coming to the party?
– Absolutely!
– This is an awkward situation, isn’t it?
– Absolutely.
– Is it OK if we use this room?
– Absolutely, that’s no problem at all.
こちらの記事もどうぞ → 11通りの場面で使える英語の「大丈夫」の意味合い95選
– Did the company share all the information with the employees?
– No, absolutely not.
– Can I have a cookie before dinner?
– Absolutely not!
5. Absolutelyの代わりに使える単語集
I completely agree with you!
It’s completely silent in the library.
You must be completely quiet inside the temple.
To be completely honest, I don’t like the new design.
That is complete nonsense.
I definitely agree with you!
You are definitely right!
You are definitely correct!
– Are you coming to the party?
– Definitely!
– This is an awkward situation, isn’t it?
– Definitely.
– Did the company share all the information with the employees?
– No, it definitely did not.
– Is it OK if we use this room?
– Certainly, that’s no problem at all.
– Did the company share all the information with the employees?
– No, it certainly did not.
– Can I have a cookie before dinner?
– Certainly not!
The Takeaway(要点):
Yes/Noの質問をされた時に、賛成する時や肯定的に答える時は、absolutelyだけで答えられます。また、その逆の場合はabsolutely notと答えます。この場合の様に、absolutelyをdefinitelyやcertainlyと置き換える事もできますが、completelyは使えません。 残念ながら、これらは完全な類義語では無いので、場合によって使い分けましょう。
Thank you for reading until the end! It was an absolute pleasure!