以前の記事で、forを前置詞又は接続詞として良く使う例文と表現56選を紹介しました。実は、その記事で説明した使い方以外にまだまだあるのです!その一つは、phrasal verb(句動詞)に含まれているforです。更に、forを使った表現やイディオムは沢山あります。
句動詞とは、動詞と前置詞の二つ以上の単語でできている動詞のことです。また、元の動詞とは意味が異なります。例えば、動詞のtakeは「取る・撮る」と言う意味ですが、句動詞のtake forは「見間違える」と言う意味になります。
1. Forが含まれている句動詞集
Account for
Ask for
Answer for
Be in for
Call for
Care for
Come for
Fall for
Feel for
Go for
Lay it out for
Live for
Long for
Look for
Make up for
Pass for
Pay for
Reach for
Root for
Run for
Search for
See for oneself
Seek for
Settle for
Speak for
Stand for
Stand up for oneself
Take for
Vouch for
Wait for
2. Forを使った一般的な表現とイディオム集
1. Forが含まれている句動詞集
Account for
Excess CO2 emission may account for climate change.
「過剰な CO2 排出が気候変動の原因となってる可能性があります。」
Product A accounts for 25% of our sales.
「製品Aは当社の売上の 25% を占めます。」
Ask for
Excuse me, I asked for a Coke, not a Pepsi.
Dressing like that in public is asking for trouble.
You asked for it!
Answer for
The criminal will answer for his crimes sooner or later.
Be in for
You are in for a surprise.
This is your first Thanksgiving dinner? You are in for a treat!
The weather forecast says we’re in for heavy rain tomorrow.
Call for
Mom called for you earlier.
This news calls for a bottle of France’s finest wine!
The weather forecast calls for rain tomorrow.
Care for
She cared for her mother for years.
Would you care for a some coffee?
– How do you like that sauce on your kebab?
– I do not care for it.
Come for
The Boogeyman will come for you if you don’t behave.
It’s over for the CEO who committed fraud. The police is coming for him.
Fall for
I won’t fall for that trick again!
He fell for her instantly.
Feel for
I truly feel for the people who were victim of such tragedy.
I feel for the people of Maui.
Go for
Go for it! You can do it!
– Can I have another piece of cake?
– Go for it!
Some smartphones can go for as much as 800 dollars these days.
「最近では、スマートフォンによっては 800 ドルもするものもあります。」
I suggested him a new approach but he wouldn’t go for it.
Nobody wanted to take the lead so I just went for it.
Lay it out for
OK, lay it out for me. What’s the problem?
Live for
Tom lives for the thrill!
Don’t give up! You have so much to live for!
I live for the day there will be no more hate in this world.
Long for
Most people on social media really long for attention.
After so many years working nonstop, Silvia longs for a relaxing vacation.
Look for
Are you looking for anything in particular?
I’m looking for Mr. Smith. Is he in his office?
These demonstrators are just looking for publicity.
Make up for
What he lacks in strength, he makes up for in speed and agility.
We need to work faster and make up for lost time.
Pass for
It’s frightening to see what passes for food in this restaurant.
I think she could easily pass for a 20-year-old.
Pay for
You tricked me. You’re gonna pay for that!
I will make him pay for what he did to you!
How much did you pay for the car?
Reach for
Could you reach for the salt please?
At 17 years old, he was already reaching for the stars.
Root for
Our whole town was rooting for the team.
I’ve always rooted for you two! Congrats on your wedding!
Run for
She is running for office.
The senator is running for president next year.
Search for
People are searching for the truth.
The police searched for the stolen car but didn’t find anything.
See for oneself
Why don’t you see for yourself?
That’s unbelievable! I need to see this for myself.
Seek for
Many young graduates came to our agency to seek for employment.
Animals such as bears and wolves in this region are seeking for food in the city.
Settle for
I was hoping to sell my laptop for $500 but I settled for $300.
She never settles for second place.
Speak for
I think I speak for everyone when I say you are annoying.
Speak for yourself! I didn’t agree to that!
Stand for
W.H.O. stands for World Health Organization.
「W.H.O.はWorld Health Organization(世界保健機関)の略です。」
We don’t stand for that kind of behavior in this office.
Our country stands for truth and justice.
Stand up for oneself
You should stand up for yourself and say something!
※stick up forと言う言い方もあります。
My brother always stood up for me in school.
Take for
Who do you take me for?
Sorry, I took you for someone else!
こちらの記事もどうぞ → 英語のネイティブ・スピーカーが使うtakeの句動詞85選
Vouch for
The formula is correct, I can vouch for that.
The security guards didn’t want to let him enter the building until someone vouched for him.
Wait for
We can’t rush things, we have to wait for the right time to act.
Shouldn’t we wait for your friend?
Don’t wait for me, I’ll be late anyways.
2. Forを使った一般的な表現とイディオム集
I can’t for the life of me remember where I put my keys.
That’s two-for-two!
That was a little uncalled for.
The students are in for a scolding.
I understand your conditions but what’s in it for us?
For one thing, I don’t really agree with that proposal.
For once, let me make the decision.
That’s for sure!
What do you have to say for yourself?
After 5 years of living here, I have nothing to show for.
I’m done with junk food for good.
What do you do for fun around here?
Just for fun, let’s go outside and talk to people in English.
I study English just for the fun of it.
I walk every day for the sake of it.
For the sake of clarity, allow me explain this problem one more time.
You should exercise more for your own sake.
For God’s sake! Go to work already!
We don’t need to replace the filter for the moment.
My name is Nicolas, Nick for short.
We need more volunteers for the benefit of the community.
I’m not trying to annoy you, I’m doing it for your benefit.
He is in a relationship for the long haul.
Don’t take her kindness for granted.
Don’t listen to him. He is taking you for a ride.
Run for your life!
Wait for it!
The Takeaway(要点):
Thank you for reading until the end! I hope the information in this article was what you were looking for!