以前、11通りの場面で使える英語の「大丈夫」の意味合い95選と言う記事を書かせていただきました。この時、英語の表現の一つがI’m all right「大丈夫です」でした。rightと言う形容詞は元の意味は「正しい」や「適切」と言う意味だったそうです。さらに遡ると、ラテン語のrectus「まっすぐ」が由来だそうです。つまり、a right angleは直角な90度を表します。日本語でも、「まっすぐな正確の人」と言いますね。名詞として使うと、right(s)は「権利」や「右」と言う意味になります。
その他にも、英語でrightは良く使われ、物事の確認をする際にIs that right?「そうですよね?」のような表現があります。また、物事の「正確さ」、時間や距離の「近さ」を表す事もできます。話す際に、発言を強調する事もできるのがrightです。
5. 正確さを表すrightの使い方
7. 強調する時に使うright
8. 良く耳にする他のrightを使った表現集
You’re absolutely right!
That’s right!
You guessed right!
I know it’s a difficult decision but you are doing the right thing.
Is that the right way to do it?
Do the right thing.
Something is not right.
That doesn’t look right.
Do you know the right answer?
You were right about him.
We must find someone who is right for the job.
I know you have your differences but you must make things right with him.
The pool water temperature was just right!
The time is right to share the information.
He knows all the right people and places.
You have the right to remain silent.
※刑事物の海外ドラマでよく耳にするMiranda Rights「ミランダ警告」の第一事項です。
You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning.
※アメリカのMiranda Rights「ミランダ警告」の第三事項です。
She fought her entire life for women’s rights.
Every child has the right to get an education.
What gives you the right to say such things?
What right do you have to tell me what to do?
As a customer, you have every right to complain.
The film production company acquired the film rights to the book.
Toho has the distribution rights.
We have the exclusive rights to sell this product.
All rights reserved
The bank is on your right.
When you arrive at the intersection, the cafe is on the right.
My right elbow hurts.
Is this candidate from the right wing?
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
I prefer to sleep on the right side of the bed.
Turn/Go right after the light.
In the picture, the woman standing on/to my right is my wife.
Is that right?
You arrived this morning, isn’t that right?
That movie was the best, am I right?
She is from Japan, right?
– Keanu Reeves just doesn’t age!
– Right?!
5. 正確さを表すrightの使い方
Go ahead I’ll be right behind you.
※right behind youは「(相手の)味方(支援)をする」と言う意味でも使われます。
I will always be right by your side.
The bus stop is right in front of the station.
Women’s shoes are right above/below this floor.
Can you see us? We are right here!
Oh! I can see my friends right over there!
I’m busy right now. Please call me later.
I’ll be right back.
The doctor will be right with you.
– Could you clean my room please?
– Right away!
We should leave right now!
Right now?
Tell me the truth right here and right now!
Come here right this instant!
7. 強調する時に使うright
Don’t expect to do it perfectly right off the bat.
※off the batは「いきなり・すぐに」と言う表現です。
We expect to succeed right out (of) the gate.
※out (of) the gateは「初めてすぐに」と言う表現です。
Because I forgot to fill the tank, the car ran right out of gas.
She walked right past me and didn’t recognize me.
The skateboarder missed the ramp and fell right on his face!
Stay right where you are. I’ll be back in a minute.
8. 良く耳にする他のrightを使った表現集
Oh that’s right! I almost forgot!
Right, let’s begin the meeting.
My new phone is right up there with the best!
The movie I saw last week is right up there on my list of top 5 movies.
This job is right down/up my alley.
She showed up to the meeting right on cue.
That idea is one step toward the right direction.
My keys were right under my nose the whole time.
He is the boss’s right hand man.
You are right as rain.
I’m handling problems right and left.
Am I right or am I right?
She made mistakes but her heart is in the right place.
I hope she will find Mister Right some day.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
If you play your cards right, you might get a promotion.
Don’t you feel right at home!
So it was around noon right, when my boss called me into his office right…
– Give me a call when you are in town.
– Right you are!
– I passed the interview!
– Right on!
– He got caught cheating during the test.
– Serves him right.
– You know Tim won the lottery.
– Yeah, right! Seriously?!
The Takeaway(要点):
Thank you for reading until the end! I hope you understand the right ways to use “right” in English!