Apparentlyはto all appearance(「見たところ」)、as far as I can judge(「判断する限り」)が元の意味になる、とても便利な表現です。基本的には「〜らしい」と言う意味ですが、使い方によって「情報はあっても確信が持てない」や、「思っていた事と事実が異なる」、または「事実だと思われる」と言う意味合いとして使い分ける事ができます。
(1) 定番のapparentlyの使い方
– 情報はあっても確信が持てない時のapparently
– 思っていた事と事実が異なった時のapparently
– 事実だと思われる時のapparently
– 可愛らしい
– わざとらしい
– 馬鹿らしい
– 男らしい・女らしい
(1) 定番のapparentlyの使い方
It’s going to rain this afternoon apparently.
Apparently, a typhoon is approaching.
Tom called and apparently he’s going to be 5 minutes late.
Alice’s birthday is apparently on the 24th, not the 23rd.
I heard Susan moved to the US but apparently she didn’t.
The train was delayed apparently due to a system malfunction.
– The train was delayed due to a system malfunction.
– Apparently so. / Yeah, apparently.
– システムの故障が原因で電車が遅れました。
– そうらしいですね。
– Has the problem been fixed?
– It appears that way.
– It appears so.
– So it appears.
– So it would appear.
– It’s raining again today!
– It seems that way. / It seems (to be) so.
– It’s raining again today?!
– So it would seem. However, usually it doesn’t rain so much this time of year.
※So it would seemのは後はbutやhoweverがよく来ます。It seems soの後は何も無いです。
さらに詳しくはこちらの記事もどうぞ → 7通りの場面に合わせたseemの意味と使い方35選
– Is the restaurant closed?
– 「お店は閉まっているんですか?」
– It looks like it. / It looks that way.
– Will the company policy change next year?
– It sounds like it. / It sounds that way.
– He was arrested for embezzlement?
– Allegedly, yeah.
– Is your friend coming to the party?
– Presumably.
That is so you!
That is typical of you!
This style is typical of (Picasso).
This painting is a typical Picasso.
It’s typically (Japanese).
It’s very (Japanese) to think that way.
That is a (Japanese) thing to do.
It is not typical of you to be late.
That’s not like him to make that mistake.
I take it the presentation went well.
I assume the presentation went well.
It appears that we will be increasing production next quarter.
It appears as if/as though I was wrong.
There appears/seems to be some misunderstanding.
There appears/seems to be some kind of confusion.
It looks as if there are strikes all around France.
It sounds as if there are strikes all around France.
According to my colleague, there will be some changes in our department.
Someone told me (that) our company was hiring people from various countries.
I heard (that) our company was hiring people from various countries.
People say the best things in life are free.
It is said that the best things in life are free.
Rumor has it that a new actor has been chosen for the role of James Bond.
Word has it that a new actor has been chosen for the role of James Bond.
It would seem that the WiFi has some issues today.
As far as I know, everyone is coming to the wedding.
It’s cute.
It’s adorable.
It looks cute.
It looks adorable.
It sounds cute.
It sounds adorable.
Her laughter sounds forced.
The actor’s tears seem forced.
The actor’s tears look forced.
The customers complaint was theatrical.
His action seems intentional.
His action seems deliberate.
His words are kind but his tone sounds fake.
It’s good to show kindness but you are overdoing it.
It’s good to show kindness but you are trying too hard.
(This decision) sounds stupid.
(This decision) sounds idiotic.
(This meeting) is useless.
(This meeting) is a waste of time.
He has a very masculine built.
There is nothing manlier than Arnold Schwarzenegger smoking a cigar.
She has a very feminine way of thinking.
His action was very courageous.
His parents gave him a strong name.
His parents gave her an adorable name.
The Takeaway (要点):
Thank you as always for reading until the end! It seems like my articles are becoming popular!