(1) 「なぜなら」の意味を持つ英語の表現
(2) 三つの理由を述べる表現
(3) 「なぜなら」と三つの理由を組み合わせた例文
(1) 「なぜなら」の意味を持つ英語の表現
That restaurant is famous because the lobster is excellent.
That restaurant is famous because of its excellent lobster.
That restaurant is famous for its excellent lobster.
The restaurant is popular +
・The reason being that it serves excellent food.
・The reason is (that) because it serves excellent food.
・The reason is its excellent food.
・It’s because it serves excellent food.
・That’s because it serves excellent food.
注:The reason is because~は間違いです。The reason isとbecauseは両方とも「理由は」という意味だからです。
Since it serves excellent food, that restaurant is popular.
That restaurant is popular since it serves excellent food.
The reason that the restaurant is popular is its excellent food.
There is a reason why the restaurant is popular. It’s the excellent food.
The reason for the restaurant’s popularity is its excellent food.
The reason why the restaurant is popular is its excellent food.
It stands to reason that the restaurant is popular.
I will be late due to heavy traffic.
Due to heavy traffic, I will be late.
※due toはどちらかと言うとネガティブな理由を述べます。
The main reason that the restaurant is popular is its excellent food.
The primary reason for the restaurant’s popularity is its excellent food.
The major reason for the restaurant’s popularity is its excellent food.
The restaurant is popular +
It’s especially/essentially/mainly/mostly/largely because it serves excellent food.
It’s especially/essentially/mainly/mostly/largely because it serves excellent food.
That’s especially/essentially/mainly/mostly/largely because it serves excellent food.
The biggest reason for the restaurant’s popularity is its excellent food.
(2) 三つの理由を述べる表現
The reasons are A, B AND C.
There are three reasons for this.
I have three reasons for this.
First of all,…/To begin with,…/First off,…
In addition,…/Additionally,…/What’s more,…/On top of that,…
Furthermore,…/Over and above that,…
There are several reasons why…
To start with,…
Moreover,…/Besides that,…
Most of all,…/Above all,…/Most importantly,…/And,…/Plus,…
(3) 「なぜなら」と三つの理由を組み合わせた例文
The restaurant is popular. The reasons are its excellent food, the great service AND the reasonable price.
There are three reasons why the restaurant is popular.
First of all, the service is excellent.
In addition, we never wait for a table.
Finally, it’s very reasonable.
That restaurant is famous for three reasons.
To start with, the service is excellent.
Besides that, we never wait for a table.
Plus, it’s very reasonable.
That restaurant is popular.
That’s because first off, the service is excellent.
What’s more, we never wait for a table.
Most importantly, it’s very reasonable.
I like this restaurant for three reasons.
To begin with, the service is excellent.
Additionally, we never wait for a table.
AND, it’s very reasonable.
The takeaway:
Thank you for reading until the end! By the way, what are your reasons for mastering English?